1.3 Perplexity

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Zip P.O.V.

Zip smiled as she and her two friends walked out of school after today's dismissal. After all, why not? After all, they successfully performed another good prank, even if the other students didn't quite get it, but they are irrelevant because what is important is the entertainment she gets from these pranks. But as she was about to laugh at remembering the faces of their fellow students as they did the prank, she noticed Edward frowning. Curious about why Edward was frowning, she decided to ask

Zip: Edward, my friend, what's up with you today? It is rare for you to frown like now.

Edward: It is nothing, Zip, but I just feel weirded by what happened hours ago.

Oliver with One Brow raised, "Weirded out by what, hmmm."

Edward: You know, every time Miss Grace lectures us for one of our pranks, it is just an earful and takes like hours to finish in her office, but today it felt like hollowed out, like sure, she did lecture us but not with the same intensity as our previous lectures, and this time we didn't even set foot in the principal office this time around.

Oliver: Now that you have mentioned it, it seems Miss Grace is quite strange today, isn't it? What could have been the reason? for her sudden strangeness.

Zip: Probably she is in a good mood today, which is why she is letting us off easily.

Oliver: Interesting theory, Zip, but that can't be it. Just call it a gut feeling.

Zip: Well, whatever the reason is, probably it is just a one-time thing, y'know, so stop worrying. Besides, what can possibly go wrong?

Edward: I suppose you are right, Zip.

Mister Demi P.O.V.

Mister Demi closed the door to his cozy and safe home, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping him in a comforting embrace.Putting his guitar aside, Mr. Demi wasted no time in heating up a frozen pizza, the gooey cheese, and savory toppings, creating a symphony of flavors on his tongue. He savored each bite, relishing in the simple pleasure of a well-deserved treat. And as he ate, he allowed himself to be transported by the melodies of his favorite records, the soothing strains of music filling the silence of the night.

But even in the safety of his own home, Mr. Demi couldn't escape the shadows that lingered in the recesses of his mind. He was a shy soul, one who often found himself grappling with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. especially his own fear of those "three teachers, but today is not quite what he expected; he sure does expect a prank to happen since those three students are always up to something almost every single day in the school.

But what he sure did not expect was the newly opened nurse office, he recalled earlier that he was searching for Miss Grace to report a prank gone wrong and found her talking to a girl, whom she assumed was the same age as the majority of the students, But what stands out to him is the black horn of the girl, which happens to be in the same location as Miss Grace, unbroken horn,and thats where the similarities ended; the girl did not have a broken horm like Miss Grace does.But whoever the girl is is something he is still guessing for now; after all, he has only extremely little information, but by his own guess, the girl is a soon-to-be student of the school, and Miss Grace is probably giving a tour for her. , but if she is truly a soon-to-be student, he just wishes that he may survive her school years in the school, especially with those 3 specific teachers going around.

Mister Demi sat back in his chair, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he finished his last pizza. The aroma of spices still lingered in the air, a testament to the culinary delight he had just savored. With each bite., with the dishes stacked neatly beside the sink, Mister Demi turned his attention to the task at hand: cleaning up. He rolled up his sleeves, the warm water cascading over his hands as he scrubbed each plate and utensil with care. After cleaning up the dishes, he proceeded to play some musical instruments to keep his skills sharp before going to sleep.

Miss Grace P.O.V.

Miss Grace presided over her office. Her desk, adorned with scholarly tomes and neatly arranged paperwork, bore testament to her dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.However, on this particular day, Miss Grace found her thoughts consumed by the enigma of the enigmatic girl who had appeared in her school so mysteriously that even the girl herself did not even know how she was in her school. Despite her attempts to focus on the mountain of paperwork, her mind kept returning to the puzzling encounter, leaving her feeling unsettled and distracted.

But even so, she did not pursue the fact that the girl lied straight to her face; she did not know if that was a full-on lie or not, but a lie is still a lie. After all, everyone has their own secrets, even herself. Besides, if that secret is so important to the girl, then she can understand the sentiment.Even so, the information she scraped from the girl worried her, not the part where the girl's identity is fully unknown; there is no trace at all.

No,what worries her is the mental well-being of the girl. The girl may hide it well, but she knows what a lack of parental love looks like. After all, she has seen children like her who lack something in their lives, ranging from having no good parental figures to mental instability due to parents,financial difficulties within their family,abusive relationships with their parents, or even having no parents at all, etc.

Even so, she may do what she can to accommodate the girl with the utmost of her own capabilities, the main being a lack of identity. After all, she can't just use the girl as an orphan card; after all, even mere orphans have some form of identity in the system. The second was the lack of a guardian to oversee her, even though she had a feeling that the girl didn't want any guardians to watch over her, but the girl had no say in this, for she is under the legal age to be considered a young adult, which she assumes as such, for she didn't actually know the specific age of the girl, but she can guess she is probably either 12 to 14 years old by her own estimate of her physical appearance. The last two problems are moderate enough to solve, which are shelter and finances.

Miss Grace: "Sight" too many problems,yet too little solution.

The identity part can be solved with a lot of money and her contacts to forge the girl's identity legally and ethically dubious at best, then add it with some fake backstory on why the girl has no identity, and done. The girl now has an identity, but the second major problem is the one that she stuck with. She considered taking her to the local orphanage, but she had a feeling she would run away. The girl looked like she would do it with no hesitation. After all, the girl did say she and her brother have been searching for their parents for a very long time, so that is not an option. Maybe she can consider making someone adopt her, like the teachers, but who would it be?

Miss Circle, Thavel, and Bloomie are out of the options due to reasons; Mr. Demi is out as well due to being so soft; and Miss Sasha and Emily are the last ones, but they are dubious choices at best. Sasha would get overwhelmed by being a guardian, especially since she always takes care of every student, especially kindergarten students, to the best of her abilities. Lastly, Emily wouldn't agree even if she raised her salary.

So that leaves herself as the last option to be a guardian. Even though she looks strict all the time,she cares for every student and does as much as she can to make them survive against those three main teachers, but she isn't sure if she can be a good guardian. She is a workaholic, not exactly a good guardian who will always be there for the girl, but even so, she decided to at least give the choices to the girl.

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