2.3 Aftermath

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Everyone convened in the principal's office, except for Claire and Engel, who were being escorted to the nurse's office by Lana and Abbie, enduring the intense glare from Miss Circle as they entered. Meanwhile, the three teachers, Zip and Rasazy, were accounted for, but Alice and Oliver were noticeably absent, having mysteriously vanished in a flash of red moments before.

As everyone settled into their seats provided by Miss Grace, who perched at her desk, her gaze piercing through each individual, a palpable tension filled the room. With a harsh tone, she demanded, "What transpired out there? I could overlook the incidents involving Miss Circle, Thavel, and Bloomie," gesturing towards them with a stern finger, "but the involvement of student Zip and Oliver in the prank on Alice's room cannot be ignored. As you well know, it deeply upset Alice. And Rasazy, I must insist you refrain from causing collateral damage alongside Alice in the future!" With a forceful strike to her desk, Miss Grace's teeth clenched with frustration.

Rasazy winced visibly, while Zip whistled innocently, and the three teachers maintained neutral expressions, their faces revealing nothing.

As Miss Grace's words echoed in the tense atmosphere, a heavy silence fell upon the room. Rasazy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, casting a glance towards Zip, who continued to whistle nonchalantly, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation.

Miss Grace's glare intensified as she awaited a response from the group. After a moment of silence, Rasazy spoke up tentatively, "Miss Grace, I didn't mean for things to escalate like they did. I was supposed to protect Claire, but I didn't know that the door Claire went in led to Alice's room."

Before Rasazy could finish her sentence, Miss Grace cut her off sharply. "Even with the selfless effort to protect someone, the damage you and Alice caused is unacceptable. While the cost to repair the damage may be minuscule, it was highly inconvenient to release the student earlier than expected. And I don't want you and Alice to be at each other's throats in the same room because of this fight."

Rasazy nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mixture of guilt and apprehension. "I understand, Miss Grace. I'll accept whatever consequences come my way,but I don't regret fighting both Miss Circle and Alice for Claire's survival," she murmured.

Miss Grace's features softened slightly at Rasazy's admission. "Good. I expect you to take responsibility for your actions and to learn from this experience, Rasazy," she stated firmly.

As the meeting progressed, Miss Grace's attention turned to the three teachers, her gaze narrowing with suspicion. "And what of you three?" she inquired, her voice laced with authority. "Why were you chasing student Claire all over the school grounds?"

Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie exchanged uneasy glances before Miss Circle spoke up, her expression neutral. "You already know why we chased her, Miss Grace. Let's get to the point. Why is student Abbie here?" she explained, her tone measured under Miss Grace's stern scrutiny.

Miss Bloomie nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, we were informed by Miss Circle that student Abbie escaped punishment due to interlopers."

Miss Thavel chimed in with an accusatory tone, "Indeed, Miss Grace, no offense, but why is student Abbie in your office?"

Miss Grace regarded them skeptically for a moment before responding with a straight face: "Student Abbie was brought here earlier by someone in a hoodie. Unfortunately, I didn't see the face, so I can't identify them."

Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie nodded, acknowledging Miss Grace's answer, while Miss Circle gave her a suspicious glance. With that, the meeting drew to a close. The three teachers began to stand up and open the door to leave, but Miss Grace stopped them with one last remark: "Also, for now, the three of you unfortunately cannot pursue Abbie. You can do that tomorrow."

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now