2.0 Time Before The Chase

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No one's P.O.V.

Lana and Rasazy exchanged perplexed glances as they observed Abbie continuing to scream gibberishly. Miss Grace's patience wore thin as the volume of Abbie's outburst increased, prompting her to approach him. With a swift flick of her hand, she applied extra force to Abbie's forehead, jolting him from his mental breakdown, albeit painfully, which in turn turned Abbie unconscious.

Lana rushed to Abbie's side, gently lifting him up and cradling his head in her hands. With a soft touch, she tended to his head, offering comfort and reassurance amidst the pain.

Rasazy raised an eyebrow at Miss Grace's unconventional method, recognizing the potential risks involved. She delicately voiced her concerns, questioning the safety of such an approach. "Miss Grace, don't you think that's a little risky for breaking Abbie out of his mental breakdown?"

Miss Grace remained impassive, her response devoid of emotion. "Perhaps for ordinary people. However, my prolonged exposure to the school has bestowed upon me some unique abilities; one of them is the Domain of the Mind, albeit limited. Breaking someone out of their mental breakdown is as routine for me as paperwork."

With Miss Grace's explanation, Rasazy pieced together the puzzle, albeit skeptically. "Even so, couldn't you just, I don't know, snap Abbie out of his mental breakdown from where you were previously standing?"

"To utilize this specific ability, I simply need to make physical contact with the individual for a few seconds," Miss Grace explained, her gaze fixed on the window, her demeanor unreadable.

"Miss Grace, that's not what I meant," Rasazy interjected, her arms crossing in frustration. "If all you need is a simple touch to affect someone's mind, why bother flicking Abbie's head?"

Miss Grace turned towards Rasazy, raising a finger to explain. "Firstly, it's to prove a point," she began, before raising another finger. "Secondly, I detest excessive noise or useless use of one's voice." With a third finger raised, she added, "And finally, we wouldn't want to alert Miss Circle to our current location, would we?”

Upon hearing Miss Grace's response, Rasazy halted her questioning and shifted her focus to finding a solution to their current predicament. "Since you can't make Miss Circle and her accomplices cease their hunt for Abbie," Rasazy began, gesturing towards him, "what can we actually do to ensure Abbie isn't mauled or killed by Miss Circle?”

"Well, you can certainly ensure Student Abbie survives, albeit temporarily," Miss Grace began, her tone grim. "Miss Circle will never cease to find a way to kill him. She will exploit every advantage and every opportunity to ensure that students who fail her end up as her dinner or dead. It may not be today or this week, but eventually, she will succeed unless..."

Rasazy's curiosity piqued, prompting her to inquire further. "Unless what?" she pressed, eager for more information.

"Unless you have a thousand or millions of Oreo packs stashed away somewhere, or you possess a power greater than Miss Circle's to make her think twice before acting against you, or you somehow convince Miss Circle to spare Abbie due to his failure in math, it's nearly impossible to sway her decision," Miss Grace responded to Rasazy's question. She continued solemnly, "Once Miss Circle sets her mind on something, she ensures it's done."

Miss Grace's words hung heavily in the air, leaving Rasazy with a sense of helplessness. "If the three of you can't find a permanent solution," Miss Grace concluded, "then perhaps it's time to accept the grim reality that Abbie's chances of survival are slim.”

Rasazy pondered Miss Grace's words, her brow furrowing in deep thought. She clenched one hand into a fist, her resolve evident as she spoke up. "So, you're just going to suggest we give up? After everything I've done to ensure his survival, all my efforts are in vain? No, I refuse to accept this. I may have only known Abbie for a few hours, but I absolutely refuse to let someone who reminds me of my dad, albeit in their ways of love, die."

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant