1.8 To Save

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Rasazy P.O.V.

Feeling a sudden surge of empathy and driven by an innate sense of compassion, Rasazy made a split-second decision to intervene and save the boy. With urgency coursing through her veins, she drew upon the illusion powers she had observed her Canon mother wield just by watching through her brother's portal.

Swiftly and decisively, Rasazy conjured a veil of darkness to momentarily obscure Miss Circle's vision. With the teacher temporarily blinded, Rasazy turned her attention to ensuring her tracks were covered. Employing the abilities she inherited from her Canon Mother, she crafted a convincing auditory illusion that simulated deafness in Miss Circle's mind, effectively rendering her unaware of the impending rescue.

With her illusions in place and time ticking away, Rasazy sprang into action. Darting across the room, she positioned herself between Miss Circle and the boy. Before the startled boy could utter a word, Rasazy levitated him, thus lifting him to safety.

Suddenly, a menacing growl emanated from Miss Circle, followed by the jarring impact of her compass prosthetic slamming against the ground with formidable force. The floor buckled under the pressure, sending fissures snaking across the surface. Realizing the danger posed by Miss Circle's formidable strength, Rasazy wasted no time. With a sense of urgency gripping her, she fled the room, the levitated boy staring in shock at the chaos unfolding around them.

As she was running away with her levitating the boy behind her, she could hear some shouts and cursing by Miss Circle and had a sudden urge to smack Miss Circle for cursing, but for now she would ignore it,just this time only.

In the tumultuous aftermath of her daring rescue with possible consequences, whether good or bad, Rasazy's heart raced with adrenaline-fueled determination. Though she had acted to protect the boy from the whims of her heart,.

But as she was thinking,Rasazy Head went into a collision with another student, and due to this sudden thing, her levitation went into a poof, which immediately dropped the boy on the floor with a hard smack.As Rasazy was rubbing her head from the head-to-head impact, she decided to see who she collided with, and it was another female student. She appears to be a semi-pale gray-skinned girl with long gray hair that's tied up in a ponytail with a curved alopecia. She can be seen wearing sock puppets on both of her arms, which have googly eyes on them.

As she was observing, she heard a loud rumble and a shout from Miss Circle, followed by a sinister laugh: “A failure has some friends to intervene. How cute,but futile. Don't worry, all of you interlopers will become my food soon enough.”.

Not wanting to get catched by Miss Circle, Rasazy, even with the sudden collision,she once again Levitated the boy, who is just frozen at this point, but this time she also Levitated the girl, whom she collided with, because she wanted the girl not to suffer just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then Rasazy sprints, with all she can muster, away from the proximity.

Hours Later…………

Rasazy is tired, both physically and mentally. Physically, she is constantly hiding and changing places to hide from a livid Miss Circle that is hidden by her calm expression as she patrols the whole school. She is now backed by two more teachers: first the short yet deadly-looking Teacher, who has a literal razor cutter as her left arm. Prosthetically, she is just like Miss Circle. Her name is Miss Bloomie, and she teaches science.

The second teacher is Miss Thavel. She is tall but not as tall as Miss Circle, but her claws, like hands, are dark, just like Miss Grace, but unlike Miss Grace, her claws or nails? Are more sharpened.From what she knew, Miss Thavel teaches language and is the last subject before pool time,then library break, then launch time as her copy relays information the copy gathered in acting in her place while she is busy managing this predicament,and with her low stamina due to not being able to have her Canon father stamina, Rasazy felt very tired.

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now