Omake's 1.0

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‘Why Edward didn't join Oliver and Zip in putting a clearly fake exit sign in Alice's room’

Edward's headache compounded as the adrenaline from showcasing his latest invention wore off. Despite the urge to join Oliver and Zip in their prank of placing a clearly fake exit sign in Alice's room, his head injury from the pool incident, where Zip accidentally ran him over with a boat while wearing a pirate hat and a hook, left him in no condition for further antics. Instead, he bid his friends goodbye early, citing the need to visit the school's most knowledgeable medical authority, Miss Grace, the principal, who held the keys to the nurse's office.

While walking, Edward pondered Oliver's prank idea: placing a clearly fake exit sign on Alice's room door, or, as he jokingly referred to it, Oliver's girlfriend's room. However, he couldn't shake the thought that only someone incredibly foolish or desperately in need would attempt to open a door adorned with such an obvious deception. Yet, if such a person did dare to try, Edward couldn't help but feel they'd be signing their own death warrant, knowing Alice's penchant for brutality. Unlike Miss Circle, who only punished those who failed her subjects, Alice seemed poised to harm anyone who dared to enter her room. Only Oliver seemed immune to her wrath, while he and Zip couldn't even approach her without consequences.

Still, Edward couldn't fathom how Oliver, with his affinity for soap and tea, had landed himself an eldritch girlfriend. However, he pushed aside these thoughts as he reached the principal's office door, gently opening the door and stepping inside.

“Chip's Bonding Time with Big Pirate Sister Zip Adventure”

Chip, the younger brother of the infamous trio of bullies in the school, Zip, found himself in a peculiar situation one sunny afternoon. While exploring his sister's room, which resembled the inside of a pirate captain's room, Chip stumbled upon a dusty old pirate chest tucked away in a corner. With wide-eyed curiosity, he gingerly lifted the lid and was met with a dazzling array of shiny trinkets and colorful fabrics.

"Wow!" Chip exclaimed, his imagination ignited by the sight before him. Without hesitation, he began to rummage through the chest, donning a makeshift pirate hat and brandishing a plastic sword as he transformed into a swashbuckling pirate.

As Chip dove deeper into her big sister, Pirate Chest, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Suddenly, he heard a mischievous giggle from behind him. Spinning around, Chip came face-to-face with Zip, her arms folded across her chest as she smirked at her little brother's antics.

"What do ye think ye be doin' in me treasure trove, matey?" Zip teased, her pirate accent exaggerated for effect and drama.

Chip grinned sheepishly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I was just exploring, big sister," he admitted, his eyes still sparkling with excitement.

Zip's expression softened as she surveyed her brother's enthusiasm. "Well, if ye be lookin' for a true pirate adventure, ye've come to the right place," she declared, extending a hand to Chip.

Together, brother and sister embarked on
a swashbuckling roleplaying escapade, weaving through the sea of pirate-themed decorations that adorned Zip's room. They battled imaginary sea monsters, which are just oversized stuffed toys; navigated treacherous waters, which are just floor designs; and unearthed hidden treasures, which are just hidden chests by Zip, all within the confines of her big sister Zip’s room.

As the time began to pass on their adventure, Chip and Zip collapsed onto a pile of plush pillows, exhausted but exhilarated by their day of pirate role-playing escapades.

"Thanks for the adventure,big sis," Chip said, grinning happily at her big sister Zip.

"Aye, 'twas a grand time, matey," Zip replied still in her pirate accent, tousling her little brother's hair affectionately.

And so, despite the fact that her sister is a bully at the school,Chip didn't care for him. Her big sister is her big sister, and that's the only thing important for him.

Game On:Oliver,Zip,and Edward Edition

In the cozy confines of one of the rooms in Paper School, a trio of bullies or friends gathered for a simple friendly game of Monopoly.

Oliver elegantly shuffled the cards with a flourish. "Right-o, guys, let's get this game underway, shall we?" he announced, a twinkle of excitement in his eye.

Edward nodded thoughtfully, adjusting his glasses as he surveyed the board. "Indeed, I've devised a comprehensive strategy to ensure victory," he declared confidently.

Zip grinned mischievously, eyeing her friends with playful anticipation. "Oh, we'll see about that, Smarty-Pants Edward," she teased, her tone dripping with playful skepticism.

As the game progressed, tensions began to rise. Oliver, ever the gentleman, smoothly negotiated property deals with his signature charm. Edward, relying on his intellect, strategically expanded his property empire while carefully managing his finances. And Zip, true to herself, employed unpredictability, throwing unexpected curveballs into the mix with her cunning tactics.

But as the game reached its climax, disaster struck for Edward. A series of unfortunate rolls of the dice landed him squarely on Oliver's Park Lane property, complete with a hefty hotel. With a resigned sigh, Edward begrudgingly handed over his dwindling supply of Monopoly money.

"It looks like you're in a spot of bother there, old chap," Oliver remarked sympathetically, his tone softened by genuine concern.

Zip couldn't contain her laughter as she watched Edward's predicament unfold. "It looks like Edward's landed himself in a bit of a pickle," she chortled, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

With a defeated nod, Edward accepted his fate as he drew the "Go to Jail" card. "It seems I've been outmaneuvered," he conceded, his competitive spirit undimmed despite his setback.

As Edward languished in virtual jail, his friends continued the game with renewed vigor. And though he may have been temporarily sidelined, Edward remained undeterred, already plotting his triumphant comeback in the next round of Monopoly, whatever it takes to do so.

Don't Save AU: Being Friends with a Bully

In an alternate universe where Rasazy didn't know much about Claire, Abbie, and Lana due to deciding not to intervene and returning to Miss Circle Classroom, the ache of loneliness gnawed at her as she sat alone on a bench, watching others enjoy the company of their friends. Envy prickled within her, a bitter reminder of the bonds she longed for in this world but never had.

Lost in her thoughts, Rasazy barely noticed the approach of Zip, one of the infamous members of The Trio of Bullies in Paper School and also one of the playful yet unpredictable member of the trio. Surprised by the unexpected company, Rasazy tensed, unsure of what to expect.

To her astonishment, Zip didn't come with malice but rather with a genuine desire for conversation. "Hey," Zip said tentatively, taking a seat beside Rasazy. "You look like you could use some company, eh?."

Rasazy eyed Zip warily, her guard still up. But there was a sincerity in Zip's voice that intrigued her. "I... I guess I could," Rasazy admitted reluctantly, surprised by her own vulnerability.

As they talked, Rasazy discovered that beneath Zip's playfulness lay a person who, like her, had experienced the sting of others not understanding them to the fullest despite being friends with the other two of the trio for a long time. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared circumstances and their likes for reading their favorite genre of novels.

By the end of their conversation, Rasazy and Zip had formed an unexpected understanding with each other, their initial animosity giving way to mutual respect and understanding. As Zip began to part ways as she was called by Oliver and Edward, Rasazy couldn't help but feel grateful for the random chance encounter that let her meet Zip properly, not as a bully but as someone she could talk to.

Now that Rasazy no longer felt alone in this world, she began to plan to make sure she could help Zip to the best of her abilities in secret while having a friendly relationship with her as a friend, right?

Rasazy's Fundamental Paper Education [Hiatus/Soon To Be Rewritten]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora