Sex slave

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All genders

After getting kidnapped by konig.. you had become his sex slave.. Oh and you loved it..

Being his slut, play thing, cum dump, pleasure thing, pet, toy.

Oh you would do anything to get your hands on his cock. For him to make you crawl, while he dragged you with a callor and leash.

For him to tie you up and do what he wanted to you and at whatever speed and strength.

You loved when he would oversimulate you.  Fuck you loved everything he did to you even if it was pain, that would turn I to pleasure.

Being his sex slave was all you wanted to be now.

You wanted to be his brat, and for him to punish you. To spank you, leave you all edged. Tired up, worn out. Or even passed put from so much pleasure. 

Everytime you looked at him your eyes heart in them.

He had made you his slut.. his forever horny slut.








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