Death On Main Street

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I know we're not on speaking terms right now, but Henry wants you here. Please come downstairs.

Lena isn't sure how Emma had even gotten her number, but the saviour had talked Granny down from shooting an arrow through her eye when she'd arrived at the diner last night and even persuaded her to let Lena have her old room in the B&B, so really this was the least she could do. Plus, as much as she tried to hide it, she quite enjoyed the affection the young boy had for her. Not to mention the Inn keeps hella fine granddaughter.

After nearly summoning the fire brigade with her luxurious shower, she's relieved to finally be able to change clothes after her venture in the Enchanted Forest. She'd been shopping earlier that morning... well, she'd walked in the store and taken any half decent piece she could find before walking back out without even acknowledging the cashier. She was a seamstress back in their old land who Lena could vaguely remembers mouth she'd threatened to sew shut.

Knowing Ruby would gawk at her no matter what she was wearing she decides on a denim mini skirt with four inch black heeled boots to accentuate her enviable legs paired with a knitted bandeau top before making her way down into the diner that falls deathly silent the moment she enters.

"I invited her." Emma tells everyone defensively and slowly but surely they resume their conversations, lowered to murmurs now as they spare Melaena nervous glances. The blonde guides her over to a booth and rolls her eyes at the smirk the other woman aims at Ruby where she sits opposite an enthusiastically chattering Snow but listens to none of it. "Lena, what I did was wrong, okay? But... I thought there was a chance you and Hook would run back to Cora and ruin everything. I couldn't take that risk."

The brunettes eyes harden as she mulls over her apology. "Whatever. I need your help."

Emma blinks in surprise at the swift dismissal before relaxing back into her bench. "Alright. What's up?"

"I want my magic back. I know the crystals in Gold's shop somewhere, but he's cast a protection spell to stop me from getting in. I need you to get it for me."

"How do I know you're not going to kill me as soon as you have your powers back?" The blonde challenges, and she's surprised when Lena's eyes become sorrowful as she glances towards Henry.

"Believe it or not, I'm not completely diabolical. I know what it's like to lose your mother... I wouldn't do that to Henry. Even though you'd deserve it."

Before they can continue the boy in question bounces over to them and slots himself in beside his mother, fixing them both with a serious look. "I have a new operation and I need your help."

The two women exchange glances before Lena arches a brow. "Go on."

"Mom told me about you and Captain Hook, but that's not in my Storybook. Which means there must be others!" He exclaims excitedly "everyone must have their own stories. I want to find yours."

"Mine?" Lena blinks in surprise before chuckling darkly "Henry, mine is not a story worth reading... not at your age, anyway."

"I'm in." Emma agrees "what are we gonna call it?"

The young boy looks thoughtful. "Operation... Operation- Lena what's your favourite animal?"

"Uh... Lions are cool?"

"That's it!" He claps his hands together "Operation Lioness."

"Well, good luck with that. But I want no part in it." Lena says but immediately feels guilty at the disappointed look on his face. "Fine, I'll think about it... I'm going to get a drink."

The moment she's out of earshot Henry turns to his blonde mother. "Good. Operation Lioness isn't the real mission. It's a cover so she and my mom won't figure out what we're up to."

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