Of Heroes And Villains

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Henry's backpack leads them to the docks and the moment Emma spots them on the harbour she breaks into a sprint, alerting Greg and Tamara to their presence. Greg acts quickly, tossing something into the water and watching a whirlpool begin to form.

"The last bean." Regina realises "they've opened a portal."

Henry struggles against the pair but he doesn't stand a chance, easily being dragged into the portal with them and Emma nearly dives in after them, but David catches her just as the natural ebb of the water returns.

"No!" The saviour shouts, sinking to her knees. "No! We have to follow them! There has to be a way!"

"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean!" Regina grits out, tangling her fingers in the roots of her hair. "Without it, there's no way to follow."

Emma shakes her head in refute. "There has to be. We can't just let them take him!"

"Obviously not." Lena pacifies her, but she's interrupted by Gold.

"There's no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal."

"Then work your dark one voodoo and make one!" Lena snarls.

"Wait!" Belle distracts them from arguing as she points into the distance, where the Jolly Roger emerges from the clouds "it's Hook!"

The moment the ship docks and Hook saunters toward them, Emma grasps each of his leather lapels. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Helping?" He frowns, confused.

"Well, you're too late!" Regina snaps "we need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal."

"Ah." Hook winces guiltily "Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them."

"Well that's great, Hook, but how do we track them?" The mayor scoffs, glaring when Rumple speaks up.

"Leave that to me. I can get us to where we need to go. Belle, Greg and Tamara weren't working alone. Others will follow. After we've gone, follow these instructions. It's a cloaking spell. It'll shield the town, making it impossible for anyone to find."

Lena turns away in disgust as the pair share a goodbye kiss, pushing past Hook and storming onto the ship with a huff. The pirate raises his brows at Regina. "Who's blood should I be expecting to clean off my deck?"

The ravenette just rolls her eyes and follows the Charmings aboard, impatient to find her son. She suspects she and Lena's mellow moment together is what has the other woman irked, but they now have more pressing issues than their complicated relationship at hand.

"So," Gold clears his throat as he summons a globe from his shop, eyeing Hook daringly. "Are you done trying to kill me?"

The captain purses his lips before nodding curtly. "Yes. I believe so."

"Excellent." He quips, pricking his finger atop the spiel and allowing a droplet of his blood to trail across the blank surface of the globe, watching as it slowly begins to seep out into a map.

"Where is that?" A crease of confusion forms between Regina's brows. "Where did they take Henry?"

Lena, Hook and Gold exchange grim looks before the pirate mutters the cursed name. "...Neverland."

"So who are we up against?" Snow puzzles as she tries to remember what the disney movie was about. "Who are Greg and Tamara?"

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive." Gold reveals darkly "they have no idea who they're truly working for."

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