What Lurks Beneath

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Lena had never picked up a book in her life, and she's relieved she hasn't wasted her time on them after she kills her boredom by skimming through a few as she lingers in the empty library. She throws the paperback aside carelessly when she hears the front door gingerly being opened.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

She rounds the bookshelf as Belle enters to block the woman's exit route, flicking through a book to grab her attention.

"Oh!" Belle startles, a hand on her chest. "I'm sorry. The library's not open yet..."

"Ah." Lena sets it back on the shelf and raises her brows. "Well. I guess it's a good thing i'm not here for the books then."

Belle squints before letting out a gasp. "You... You're Melaena. Stay away from me."

"Don't take it personally." Lena advises as she rolls up her sleeves and stalks towards her. "Your boyfriend has something I want. You're just... collateral damage."

Before she can get much further Belle pushes a cart heaped with tattered old books into her and makes a dash for the elevator, sending Lena stumbling back with a huff of frustration.

"You're going to regret that, bookworm." She snarls as she heads right after her, but the rickety doors shut in her face before she can make it. She raps upon the door insistently as she hears the woman whimpering to Gold over the phone. The moment she hangs up, she leaves the library and heads to the docks, where she and Hook had arranged to meet.

It's a strange feeling, wandering onto the ship that she had spent so much time on. It's very private thanks to Cora's cloaking spell, allowing her to roam the decks in peace. She remembers the duals that Hook had always won, the monsters they'd faced together, the times she'd stand at the bow with his arms around her long before Titanic was released in this world. Below deck calls to her, and she's conflicted. Too much had happened there... too much agony. But that doesn't stop her from venturing into the Captains Quarters.

So many years ago she'd lost count she'd taken what she was sure would be her last breath laid on that bed, the sheets matted with blood and sweat coating her forehead. But when Killian returned and told her that their child, their tiny little girl had lost her life before she'd even had chance to live it, she realised death would have been a blessing. It's impossible, but she swears she can still hear her own screams ringing in her ears, willing away the memory of Hook cradling her as she sobbed until her throat bled.

She's pulled from her musings by a muffled shout from the next cabin, and she's shocked but not surprised to find poor Dr. Hopper bound and gagged in the far corner.

"You interrupted me." She scolds, kneeling down to remove the handkerchief tied around his mouth.

"I- I'm sorry. But please help me. Cora pretended to be Regina and kidnapped me- she wants to-"

"Shh. You're rambling." Lena huffs, untying the ropes binding his wrist. "I'm only doing this for Henry. Everyone thinks you're dead."

"Oh, god." He mutters, struggling to get to his feet. "Thank you. Thank you. Are you coming with me?"

"No. I have business here. And that's between us unless you want to find out what it's like to live as a flounder, got it?"

"Yes. Yes. Thank you... again." He hurries off then and Lena drops onto the ale crate with a sigh. Someone crosses him on the stairwell and she expects to see Hook, but rather it's Belle who enters the room gun first.

"Oh, you again." Lena huffs, effortlessly knocking the gun from her hand and picking it up before she can reach for it.

"Where is it? The shawl?"

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