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                                                                           YUMA POV:

We finally got to the ocean my hair was up in pigtails cause due to the car ride Angel wanted to put my hair up in Pigtails cause it'll be 'cute' or whatever she said. "I'm gonna go set up!" Angel shouted as she grabbed our stuff and ran away with it I was too tired to pay attention. I walked to the change room and changed Into my bikini as soon as I left it I saw Leo and Angel playing in the ocean already, but I don't know about Theodore nor give a shit about him I ran around the beach till I found where Angel set up and I sat under the umbrella and wrap the towel over my head and body that stupid Theodore let me borrow, I hate the sun. I hate the way it tans me.

Theodore sat down next to me, but I wasn't paying a attention to him my phone rang as I picked it up to check who it was it was a spam caller, ugh stupid spam callers. I put my phone back down annoyed. "You listen to Deftones?" I heard Theodore say as I turn my head to look at him, I wonder if I should be nice or rude.. All I did was nod my head. Jeez this is awkward.. Theo says "y'know, you don't have to think of me as some douchebag who hates all women or something-"

"I never talked to a male normally before, Unless it was with my brother." I shrug yeah its kinda weird for a girl in her last year of high school to never talk to a guy before but all I do is argue with them so whats the honest point and whenever I have sex with them I make them be quiet.

"Oh, well sorry for being an asshole when we first met." What the hell? I bit my tongue holding myself back from saying something rude. My fangs bit into my tongue so my tongue began bleeding I didn't mean too I just didn't wanna say something rude.

                                                                                THEO POV:

She's prettier up close. I guess I'm not best at conversations. "Uh- are you okay? Sorry if I said something wrong." Yuma nodded her head. "Hm" I stood up, taking off my shirt and jorts, (REMEMBER HE HAS SWIM TRUNKS UNDER) and walk over to Leo and Angel, pushing Leo under water. He got out from under the water and pushed me under. "You ruined my hair!" I yelled at him. He laughed as we started trying to push each other in the water. I tripped over a rock, falling but pulling him with me. Angel walked over to Yuma, they were having a conversation, I don't know what about though.

I stood up out the water, looking at Yuma, taking in her full complexion. She looks even better in real life than on camera. 

While looking at her, she and angel got up and walked over to the water. When they got in, angel dunked Yuma's head underwater.

                                                                                YUMA POV:

Angel tried to convince me that my makeup wouldn't get ruin so she took me into the water as she dunked my head underwear I raised my head "See! it didn't get ruined" Angel laughed as I rolled my eyes "alright" I realized Theodore was looking at me but I didn't talk about since I didn't wanna ruin the mood I smiled at Angel as I watched her laugh.

 "Angel are you hungry?" I asked her making sure she still eats "Yea I am" Angel answers I turned my head to the guys "are you guys hungry?" I question They both said yes. I nodded my head Before I walked off "Oh yeah follow Yuma!" Angel jumps as she realizes and begins following me. Leo begins following me as he grabbed Angels hand as Theodore just followed me, I realized he's kinda creepy. I walked to our spot as I crouched down and grabbed my wallet "I'll pay for you guys" I say. "You don't have too, I can pay for me and Leo" Theodore says as I look up at him "you sure?"

"Yea, don't worry about it." I just nodded my head and stood up. I waited for Theodore to get his money before we walked towards the food truck.

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