Feline creatures: Part 2

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About cats:

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About cats:

What I know:

The cat, commonly referred to as the domestic cat or house cat because this house cat, pet cat and domestic cat is the only species in the family feline (which means cats) who are not as dangerous like other feline species like cheetah, lion, leopard,Panthers ect.

Cats have powerful claws, flexible and strong body, acute senses, long tail which help them in various ways and strong sharp teeth for hunting.

They are calm and friendly if you treat them well otherwise...

They are misunderstood often and that's why one should know about them before being a cat owner.

Here six interesting facts about cats I got from google:

1. The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago. 🤧...

2. A cat was the Mayor of an Alaskan town for 20 years. 🤯

3. The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches. 🤔✨

4. The richest cat in the world had 7-million-pound (about 88,40,685.00 USD)... Are you talking about Yoongi? Lol just kidding.

5. Isaac Newton invented the cat door. Nice!!

6. In 1963 a cat went to space. OwO great!!

Life span:

A cat can live for 13 to 14 years.


A well cared for cat may commonly live to 15 or beyond, some make it to 18 or 20 and a few extraordinary felines even pass 25 or 30 years of age. ಥ_ಥ

Cats and milk:

We are not supposed to serve them milk because it's not food for our little feline friend.

However, you can serve them lactose free milk too. You can get them at pet store or at any online website.


Cats love the taste of milk because it is high in fat. They will often choose to drink it even if it results in an upset stomach.

If your cat is fed a high quality, balanced diet they do not need the extra fat from drinking milk, no matter how much they like it. (Hmm got it)

What they eat

Cats are carnivorous which means they need meat.

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