Aquatic Animals: Part 3

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Penguins are really very friendly creature.

They drink salt water but they can drink normal water too.

Penguins are very cute and I wanna know who hate them (⌐■_■)

They live in group and not too far from sea.

Penguins are heavy that's why they can't fly but they are still birds not animal (¬_¬")

Penguins can't live in hot climate for long BUT there are some species who don't live in cold temperatures but in hot!

I know... I want to hug them too.. but you shouldn't because they feel distress.

You should walk slowly around them for observation (≡^∇^≡)

Fun fact: they often eat ice too

Let us know more about them

Let us know more about them ヾ(^-^)ノ

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Where do they live?

Penguins live in Southern Hemisphere. They can found in Antarctica too.


The tiny blue penguins can be found in Australia and New Zealand, while the majestic emperor penguins can be found in Antarctica and the king penguins can be found in many sub- Antarctic islands (OwO intresting)

The tiny blue penguins can be found in Australia and New Zealand, while the majestic emperor penguins can be found in Antarctica and the king penguins can be found in many sub- Antarctic islands (OwO intresting)

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Just look at that smile ╥﹏╥

What they eat?

They eat fish.

According to google, they eat squid, and crustaceans too.

Smaller species also dine on krill—tiny shrimp-like crustaceans no longer than six centimeters.

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