Fight 3

11 5 10

Giraffe v/s Lions

Can giraffes defend against lions?

First defense is of course, to run. But giraffes can also defend themselves with powerful kicks, that can even kill a lion.

Even though a giraffe's legs look pretty thin, they can actually generate 2,000 PSI with one kick (google).

They have been known to decapitate lions with their strong shanks.

A single forceful blow from the powerful legs is enough to ruin the big cat's day. A giraffe is generally too much for a lone lion.

Let's see it live.

Poor lioness ಥ_ಥ

Chicken I mean giraffe legs are strong

We know that lions catch their pray by their claws or jaw but no way they could bite those legs.. They want to live with their jaw.

If a lion wants to kill a giraffe, then only way is to bite the neck which is impossible that's why they try to tackle them.

Ok end of the fight because I don't have popcorns... It ended in the previous fights.. (T^T)

Alright so the winner is...

*Drum rolls* 🥁🥁🥁

Giraffe🦒 👑
I need a ri-...  Ahem.. Continue eating those leaves... I.. I will just leave..

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