Glitch In The Matrix (At least for me)

2 1 0

Unexpected number of births at a time



The female deposits eggs into the male's pouch after a mating dance and pregnancy lasts about 30 days.

While inside the pouch, the male supplies nutrients to his developing embryos, before giving birth to up to 1,000 babies... (I swear I just guessed the number..)

Well I would love if a male human take care of the baby :]

Look.. He is in pain.
First male to carry babies?

German Cockroach:

A female German cockroach lays about 20 to 40 eggs, with an average incubation rate of 28 days, and will produce an estimated four or five oothecae in her lifespan. That's about 200 offspring...

I don't want to show the clip but I have to.

The video I saw:
In that window, the babies were coming out looking like the fruits on a branch 💀

Naked mole-rat queens can birth up to 30 pups, however first-time mothers usually give birth to approximately one to 10 pups.

It was difficult to know for sure if the queen was pregnant before she gave birth.

Naked because they don't have?

Common tenrecs: Hedgehog in short*

Litters consist of one to ten young, though five to seven young are most common. The babies are relatively undeveloped when they are born, but become independent after only one month.

Next dangerous birth

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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