Clash of the Titans

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"The joust is a highly-specialized combat technique," Rudy informed his students as Jerry and Eddie stood on separate platforms with matts surrounding them, facing one another

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"The joust is a highly-specialized combat technique," Rudy informed his students as Jerry and Eddie stood on separate platforms with matts surrounding them, facing one another. Each of the two boys held large pugil sticks that were taller than themselves and had blocks of foam on each side of the stick to make sure that they wouldn't get hurt if they got hit.

Jack and Ivy sat next to each other on the bench, Jack listening to what Rudy was saying as Ivy held up her phone to record, fighting to keep a smirk off of her face.

"It's all about control, balance and grace," Rudy continued his lesson, unaware of Ivy chuckling to herself.

Eddie and Jerry had none of those things when it came to this kind of stuff, especially when learning new fighting techique. The only thing they can do well was the element of surprise, and Eddie used that to his advantage, hitting Jerry with the stick before Rudy could even give them the 'go ahead'.

Jerry screamed as Eddie continued to hit him, making him fall to the floor of the platform and go into the fetal position to try to block some of the blows.

"Stop!" Jack ran up to the two as Ivy's once loud laughter turned silent as she clutched her now hurting sides. "You're beating the grace out of him."

Eddie stopped hitting the boy and jumped off the platform. Jerry slow to do the same. Ivy wiped the tears from her eyes, catching her breath as she stopped her recording and immediately watched it over again. Sending herself into a fit of giggles.

"Hey, hey, hey, put down your pugil stick," Rudy instructed Eddie as Jerry took off his helmet and stood up straight.

"Forget that!" Eddie grinned, excitedly. "I'm taking this thing on the bus with me."

"What are you-" Jerry got cut off as Eddie hit him again, making him scream from the shock before running out the door with Eddie hot on his trail.

"That was great," Ivy sighed happily as she put her phone in her back pocket. She looked over at Jack who gave her a disapproving look. "What? I can't have any fun?"

"Rudy!" A loud voice boomed through the dojo, getting the three people left in the studio to turn to the sound.

Rudy's eyebrows scrunched together as Ty, the owner of the Black Dragons dojo, and Frank walked up to him, anger clearly displayed on his face. "Ty? What you doing here?"

"I was over at the nail salon getting a power pedicure," Ty said seriously, causing Jack and Ivy to share a look. "Which, by the way, is mainly because it has the word 'power' in it. And when I came out, I found this under my windshield wiper."

"What is it?" Ivy asked, looking at the folded paper Ty was holding up to show off.

"It's the thing that goes back and forth on your car when it's raining," Frank commented in a mocking sort of fashion that made Ivy confused whether or not he was joking. But knowing him, he most likely wasn't. "It's amazing."

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