Nicht mehr lang (Not for long)

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A chill runs down your spine as you wake up in the middle of the night and you realize that you must've fallen asleep reading a book in your bed, the window of your bedroom still open. It happens a lot lately since you've found a new series of one of your favorite authors, so you just do what you do every night it happens. You lift the blanket and get out of bed to close the window, right before you head downstairs to get a glass of water before getting back to bed again.

As always, you don't turn on the lights as you walk through your house, each inch mapped in your mind, you could walk through it with your eyes closed, until you stumble over the carpet in the living room. You never stumbled over the carpet. Confusion strikes you, but you quickly shake it off, thinking you might just be a little more tired than you thought and just need to go back to sleep. As the water stops running and you lift the glass to your lips, another shiver runs down your spine. But not from the cold this time.

The floor above you creeks softly, once, twice. It's an old house. Nothing to worry about. Thrice. Setting the glass down with a shaky hand, you contemplate what to do. Go upstairs and see where the sounds come from? What if there's someone upstairs? Call the cops? What if there's no one there and you're just overreacting?

I used to watch her from afar, but it quickly turned to breaking in to her house and watch her sleep. The door in her living room to the backyard had an older lock, which even could be picked with a simple paper clip. When I broke in to her house for the first time, I even thought about changing the lock to make sure she's safe and spare myself from picking it each night I went to see her. But what made my stomach turn was the fact that she fell asleep with the window of her bedroom opened. Again. She was so careless, so... unachtsam. (unheedful)

Each night, it came more clear to me that she needed my help. So I didn't just leave after I spilled my load into the soft  fabric of her panties I so desperately wished was her cunt. Instead, after my cock and my eyes were satisfied, I walked through the house and did what I could to help her without leaving obvious signs that someone was in her house. Wiping away the wet brim her glass of wine left on the coffee table, picking up her keys from the kitchen counter and putting it into the small wooden bowl on the shelf next to the door, rinsing her plate she just left in the sink, throwing away the trash from her last takeout. Simple things which made her day a bit more easy.

I didn't plan things to happen like they did that night, but as I got into her room, she suddenly seemed to wake up. I knew her routine, so I slowly made my way into the office down the small hallway, avoiding each creaking spot of the floor below my heavy boots and closing the door just enough to melt in with the shadows filling the room. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw her walking down the stairs and she stretched herself, forcing the fabric of her oversized shirt to lift over the beautiful curves of her ass. Although my cock did get his attention alrady, it wasn't surprising to me that he twitched in my pants, aching to finally be pressed between those cheeks.

I reached out to press my shaking hand against my semi hardened crotch, trying to ease a bit of the tension which slowly formed inside of my pants. "Scheiße..." (Shit) It was just a low breath that left my lips but I immediately regretted getting in here tonight. After I'd released my crotch from my grip, my hand moved lower to the pocket of my cargo pants, slowly wrapping my fingertips around the neck of the bottle before I pulled it out, taking the cap off and pouring the liquid on a scrap piece of fabric as I made my way back into her bedroom.

I needed to be with her.

I needed to smell her.
I needed to feel her.
I needed to taste her.

My mind was clouded as I walked through the hallway, not hearing the floor under my boots creaking as I stepped on the spots I so carefully avoided just a minute ago, until I realized it was too late. "Hello?" Her soft voice came directly from the bottom of the stairs as I turned of the lights in her bedroom, letting the shadows swallow me again. I didn't mean to scare her, I wanted to protect her. What happened that I got so careless?

She needs me.
I need her.

"Hello?" She got closer, her voice now coming from the top of the stairs. She was so close, I could almost hear her breathing as she came even closer, heard the breathless "What the...?" from her lips as she saw the darkness in her bedroom. "I know you're here. I... called the cops." Nein, hast du nicht, mein Schatz. (No, you didn't, my darling.) I had to admit, although it was a lie that slipped from her lips, I almost believed her from the way her voice sounded so powerful. So brave. Gott, mein tapferes Mädchen. (God, my brave girl.)

The light from the hallway casted her shadow into the bedroom and my breath almost hitched when I saw her moving again. Be brave my little girl. And then she was there, standing right in front of me, only an arms length away as she looked to the left, completely forgetting the corner behind the door to her right. So careless. My feet carried me towards her but before my own shadow got casted next to hers, I pressed my palm against the door and the fabric against her face before she even knew what was happening around her. She started to squirm in my hand, forcing me to wrap my arm around her center and press her back against my chest. Her scent filled my nose and my breath shook when her fingertips clenched around my thigh before she fell limp into my arms.

"Träum schön, mein Schatz."
("Sweet dreams, my darling.")

Shadows // König X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now