Bleib bei mir. (Stay with me.)

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It's been six weeks since I brought her into the cabin. She still barely talked to me, but what bothered me more, was that she refused to drink and eat the way she should have. She left her breakfast untouched, ate half of the lunch I made for her and only ate the takeout I brought her from her favorite places. The water I brought down to her every day lasted for two days straight. She was testing my patience, because all I asked of her was being a good girl and do what I tell her. Which, for now, was only eat, drink and sleep. At least she slept well

I still don't know if she knew it back then, but every night she fell asleep, I fell into old habits, sneaked in to the basement and became the shadow next to her bed watching her. To my own surprise, I didn't jerk off for the first two weeks she was down there. I was too mad at myself for loosing my shit that night, making mistake after mistake which forced me to kidnap her. Throw her into this hole where she curled up into a small ball when she slept. I turned into her. Ich wurde unachtsam. (I became unheedful.) But after those two weeks, it seemed like she accepted her fate and slept more at peace. She didn't curl up and it almost looked like she was sleeping in her own bed. The sight of it was to pleasant to let it slip away and not carve the image into my memory as I slowly pumped my cock. Painfully slow. Tasting my own medicine, getting my own punishment for being so fucking stupid and not sticking to the plan.

Dieses Mädchen wird mein Todesurteil sein.
(This girl will be the death of me.)

There were many nights I went to visit her, but there's a particular one carved so deep into my memory, I doubt I could ever forget. She was sleeping, with her back turned towards me as I held the shirt she wore that day against my face and filled my lungs with her scent like I haven't been breathing for a year. Scheiße, ich war so benebelt von ihrem Duft, (Shit, I was so intoxicated by her scent,) I didn't even realize that she turned around and suddenly stared at me, fucking my own hand like a lunatic. A pervert. It was written all over her face, right next to the shock while her eyes widened as she saw the full hardened length in my hand. Fuck, I have to admit, I almost came so fucking hard as she sucked in her lower lip, her teeth grazing the soft flesh as she released it again.

She didn't say a word until I was finished, her eyes constantly glued onto mine as I worked myself. Proved to her, I wouldn't hurt nor touch her. I didn't say I wouldn't watch or touch myself. The second I wanted to leave and let her sleep again, she got up from the bed and took two steps forward. "I want to go out." Was? (What?) I didn't believe what I just heard. It wasn't a request, it was a demand. "Do what I say. Eat, drink, sleep." "I want to go out." Again, diese perfekte Mischung aus Angst, Wut und Verzweiflung. (the perfect mix of fear, anger and despair.) I looked over my shoulder to see the breathtaking mix of emotions in her eyes and left, having done and said all that needed to be.

A few days later, she finally listened. She ate, drank and slept like a fucking princess. And who am I to deny my princess her wishes? So after another two weeks, I took her plate and went upstairs, leaving the basement door open for her to follow. Leaning against the small kitchen counter, I waited for her to get upstairs, which, unsurprisingly, didn't take too long. "You've been a good girl. Gute Mädchen werden belohnt." ("Good girls are rewarded.") A smirk danced over my face as those words left my lips and I could see her tensing up at the foreign words. "New rules." I pushed myself off of the counter and walked over to the door, leading towards what you could call the backyard. "10 minutes each day, if you keep being a good girl and do what I tell you. Eat, drink, sleep..." I nodded once before I cocked my head to the side as she came closer, stopping her with my hand on her waist just as she reached the door. "... and don't run."

She looked down on my hand on her waist, not even flinching as I touched her. Her following nod was a silent agreement, but I still knew that she would start to run as soon as I gave her the opportunity. So I always stood close when she sat down on the porch to enjoy the autumn sun or took a few steps around the property, kicking some amber leaves with what looked like a sad smile. She finally seemed happier and sad at the same time, when I told her that she needed to go back inside.

I still loved the look on her face when she was scared, but what I loved more, was the way she stayed awake each night and waited for me to become her shadow. She looked into the darkness that began to reach out for her and soon I found myself enjoying the way she watched me fucking my own hand right next to her as I thought about the unholy things I wanted to do to her. Mit ihr. (With her.)

She was a good girl back then, drinking, eating, sleeping and staying close to me when we went outside. She didn't even argue, when I told her that I needed to leave for a few days, but would reward her with more time outside to make up for the days she was forced to stay inside of the basement. I came back exhausted, but the urge to see her again was overwhelming.

And fuck, did it feel good when I opened the door to the basement and smelled her. My cock was already pressing painfully hard against the restraining zipper of my pants, threatening to break it, if I wouldn't let him out any time soon. And as much as I loved to do that, I knew I couldn't hold myself back if I did. So instead, I accepted the increasing pain her smile created and took her upstairs. I could feel her eyes on my back as we walked outside, like she was the one observing now.

Her eyes never left me as we sat down on the stairs and I could feel the words sitting on the tip of her tongue before they even came out. "Are you okay?" I didn't expect her do show interest in my well being, nor did I expected it to feel almost as good as seeing her scared. "Ja, Prinzessin." It was a flat response but accompanied with the softest smile I managed to reach my eyes under my hood.

"Are you... are we in danger?"
"No, Schatz. I was working."
"What kind of work is that?"
"Don't worry, Liebling. I would never hurt you, that's all you need to know."
"Are you hurt?"
"Just tired."

It was the longest conversation we had since the night I first met her, and the first my hands didn't want to bend her over the nearest surface to finally ease the pain and bury myself inside of her until she begged me to stop. It almost felt wrong, but considering that I still didn't really knew her, I thought she was just happy to finally have someone to talk to, maybe even see me again. Scheiße, it felt like we finally bonded somehow, until I looked away for the briefest second and she started to run towards the trees.

Da ist ja mein tapferes Mädchen.
(There's my brave girl.)

Seconds later, you found yourself in the heart of the dense forest, where shadows danced with the whispering leaves, your figure darting through the tangled undergrowth. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, echoing amidst the trees as you pushed yourself forward, each step a desperate bid for freedom. The branches clawed at your skin, the thorns tore at your clothes, yet still, you ran. Because you knew that to stop now would be to surrender to the darkness that pursued you.

You could finally see a road breaking in the trees ahead, a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. With one final surge of determination, you threw yourself forward, breaking free of the forest's grasp and into the open expanse beyond. Gasping for breath, you stumbled to a halt, your chest heaving with exertion as your feet lifted from the muddy ground.

She had no idea where she was and she was weakened. A few weeks ago, I would've ran straight after her, scared of how far she might make it. But her first steps were already clumsy and I wanted to see the excitement turn into fear in her eyes when I caught her after she thought she made it far enough. Because, no matter how exhausted or tired I am, I always knew I would find her again.

I moved through the underbrush with the grace of a panther, my senses keenly attuned to the faintest sound or scent. I had pursued many quarry through these woods, but none had ever tested my resolve quite like this one. She was elusive, her footsteps a whisper upon the forest floor, her presence a tantalizing flicker in the darkness.

But with each passing moment, I drew closer to my prey, my anticipation mounting with every step. I could sense her fear, her desperation, like the scent of blood upon the wind. And it only fueled my determination to capture her, to claim my prize and savor the thrill of the chase. And then, just as I knew it would, the moment arrived.

She was just a step away from freedom before I wrapped my arms around her middle, lifting her up against my chest. A predatory grin spread across my face as I dragged her back, my blood still boiling from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. My fully hardened cock begged me to take her right there, but now that she pulled this stunt, I had different plans for her.

Das ist, was du bekommst, wenn du mich testest, Schatz.
(That's what you get, when you test me, darling.)

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