Pied Piper

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Hanaki's POV:

While I paged through my journal, I heard the distant sound of hooves. Garrack was passing by my room door, which Obi had left open.

That sounds like a stampede. That doesn't make any sense however...unless..

I quickly saw dozens of horses run by my window, staring out in concern. Garrack looked out my window in shock, before she looked at me with the same expression. I quickly stood up, ignoring the pain as adrenaline coursed through my body.

Hanaki: "Cinder, you stay here! I have to stop them before it's too late!" I shouted above the loud stampede.

I heard Garrack attempt to say something, but my mind was already made up. I quickly grabbed my bag, leaping out the window, leaping onto one of the horses' backs. I quickly pulled the flute out of my bag, eyeing the leader at the head of the heard. I then saw an even more concerning sight, Zen and Shirayuki conversing amongst themselves, unable to hear the stampede.

I just hope it's loud enough!

I quickly pulled out my flute, moving the parts around, before placing it to my lips. I then placed my fingers on it, beginning to play a beautiful tune. I saw Shirayuki and Zen look up in shock and surprise, before the two began to run. I continued to play, seeing the lead horse begin to slow its pace, the other horses following suit. Soon, all the horses had completely stopped, causing me a sigh of relief.

I quickly jumped off the horse, feeling pain shoot up my side, spotting Shirayuki and Zen who were safe. Unable to bear with the pain, I felt my legs give out, laying on the grass.

Shirayuki: "Hanaki!" I heard her shout.

Damn it!

Shirayuki quickly rushed to my aid, an angry Zen followed close behind her.

Zen: "Did you do this?!" He asked angrily, shouting at me. "Where's Obi?!" He angrily said, Shirayuki telling him to calm down.

Hanaki: "It wasn't me, I just saw what was happening and knew I had to stop it. I-ERGH!" I shouted, my side in immense pain due to how much movement I had caused.

Shirayuki: "There's no way it could've possibly been her Zen, her wound is too deep for a task like that." She said, staring at me, tears pricking the corners of my eyes from the pain. "Your flute, you used it to stop the stampede." She said, me nodding at her.

Zen: "Someone must have snuck into the stables and let out the horses. I'll have to go confront the guards for that part of the castle. Right now though, I think we should get her back to her bed." He said, hearing a sound of racing footsteps towards us.

Obi: "Master, I apologize for not being here sooner. Miss Shirayuki asked me to keep Miss Hanaki company for a short while." He said, before he continued speaking. "I left her room for a bit to grab her something to write with when I heard the stampede outside. The Chief Herbalist also appeared rather angry, apparently Hanaki leapt out the window." He said, the Prince looking down at me in slight relief.

Zen: "Normally, I'd assume you were the culprit. However, Shirayuki's right, with that deep of a wound, you couldn't have made it back to your room from the stables in that time. And, since the chief herbalist saw you leave your room, now you have an alibi, so it couldn't have been you." He said to me, Shirayuki slowly helping me stand.

Shirayuki: "Obi, would you mind carrying Hanaki back to her room?" She asked, my cheeks feeling slightly warm, Obi quickly obliging to the request.

Obi: "Alright Miss Hanaki, I suggest you hold onto me." He said, me carefully wrapping my arms around his neck, before I felt my legs get pulled out from under me.

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