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I quickly let out a small gasp of surprise, before letting out a sigh of relief, hearing Obi laugh.

Hanaki: "Don't laugh at me, why did you do that!?" I slightly exclaimed, sitting back down on my bed beside Cinder.

Obi: "I figured it would entertain you now that I've returned." He said casually, my face forming into one of frustration. "I also would have hoped to get you to smile before I mentioned the man who let out the horses." He said, me quickly looking into his eyes, noting his truth.

Hanaki: "Did anyone catch him?" I asked, him nodding at me.

Obi: "I did. After I returned you to bed rest, I helped take some horses back to the stables. I then spotted a man somewhere in the forest nearby. I gave the leads to some royal guards, tackling the bandit to the ground, then took him to the royal guards." He said, climbing into my room, me looking at him curiously. "He said he was working for Kai the Baron, stating how he was after you, Miss Hanaki. After that incident, Master, myself, and a few others went to visit the fellows in Fort Laxdo." He said, me sighing at him as he leaned against the wall of the window.

Hanaki: "So I heard, now I have that to worry about too." I said, seeing Obi look at me confused. "Prince Izana has a test prepared for me to see if I can temporarily hold the position of stable master while the real stable master is away on leave for leisure." I said quietly, seeing him look at me sternly.

Obi: "From the way you sound I have a feeling there's another reason he asked you to his office." He said, me nodding. "You don't know, do you?" He asked, me looking down at my hands.

Hanaki: "No idea what it is he has planned. His eyes can be easy to read, but what he says can be hard to understand." I said, sighing, laying back down on my pillow, Obi sitting in the chair nearby.

I watched Cinder quickly get up, head down near the floor, before nudging Obi's leg.

Obi: "Does someone want my attention?" He asked Cinder, who kept nudging his leg, before gently grabbing his boot with his mouth. "Uh, Miss Hanaki?" He said, me getting up to see what happened.

Hanaki: "Cinder, let his boot go this instant." I said sternly, seeing Cinder drop his boot, me facepalming as he did so. "I apologize, I have no clue why he did that. Please forgive me, I should train him better." I said, hearing Cinder whine slightly, Obi smirking slightly.

Obi: "He wasn't hurting me Miss, but he was trying to move me." He said, getting up out of the chair, Cinder moving directly behind him. "You can get back to bed rest Miss Hanaki." He said, me slowly getting comfortable in the bed, Obi sitting beside it.

Wait, why is he sitting here now? Why did Cinder move him here?!? Does he know I like Obi?!!?

I thought to myself, seeing Cinder wag his tail slightly, feeling my cheeks turn pink.

Obi: "Something wrong Miss?" He asked, looking at me as I sat up staring at Cinder. "Your face is pink, is it because I'm here?" He said, before quickly chuckling after, me laughing it off.

I wonder if he meant that or was joking?

Hanaki: "I should be able to move around more in a couple of days. That's what the chief herbalist told me, I can't wait to be free again." I said softly, seeing Obi look down at me. "I really miss being able to get around like I used to do." I said, seeing him smirk, me raising a brow at him.

Obi: "I never took you for the jealous ty-" He tried to say, me cutting him off with a thrown pillow to the face, letting out a hearty laugh.

He quickly looked up at me, eyes widened slightly, cheeks tinted lightly with pink. I then took in a few breathes, calming myself down, staring up at him with a smile.

Hanaki: "I'm not jealous of you, I promise." I said, his widened eyes staying put, not moving even slightly.

Obi: "You have a wonderful laugh Miss Hanaki." He said, before I watched him quickly cover his mouth with his hand, feeling my face turn a deeper pink.

I quickly looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

Hanaki: "T-Thank you, Obi." I said in response, hearing Cinder make jealous wolf noises. "You don't have to be so dramatic, Cinder." I said, him making his dramatic wolf yelps back in response.

I then looked over at Obi, who looked over at me, both of us beginning to laugh.


Obi spent a few more hours, just talking and spending time with me, before he had to leave.

Obi: "I promise I'll actually stop by again soon. I don't plan to leave for Laxdo again at the moment." He said, jumping out the window, before running off waving me goodbye.

I then closed the window, my heart fluttering slightly, before carefully getting back into bed. That's when there was a knock at the door, telling whomever it was to come inside. I quickly signaled Cinder to sit, which he did. Kiki entered, carrying what appeared to be a small package.

Kiki: "I heard you're feeling a lot better." She said, a simple facial expression on her, walking inside to sit down. "You haven't missed your old outfit have you?" She asked, me realizing it's missing, a look of surprise on my face.

Hanaki: "I didn't even know I was missing it until you brought it up." I said, seeing her give me a small smile, before it disappeared.

Kiki: "Garrack had to cut open your outfit in order to better view the damage, so it was tossed after that." She said, me sighing in complete defeat.

Guess I'll be spending money from my last job on a new outfit.

Kiki: "Don't beat yourself up about it. After I found out, I took the ruined clothes for measurements to a tailor. Using the ruined one for measurements, I had a new one made for you" She said, me looking at her with wide eyes.

Hanaki: "Wh-What? Why would you do that? I could easily go and buy myself something instead." I said to her, seeing her give a small smile.

Kiki: "It's the least I could do for someone who saved my life." She said, getting up to pet Cinder. "You should probably open that, I'd hate to attempt returning it." She said, me opening the package, my eyes immediately lighting up.

It was a beautiful darkened sea green outfit, decorated with small sapphire blue embroidery, as well as short cut off sleeves. It came with a green crop top and shorts, smooth and soft. There was a belt as well for my midsection, with a small jewel in the middle. It even came with boots and gloves, though basic were meaningful. I felt a tear run down my cheek, quickly wiping them away.

Kiki: "I hope you like it and my gesture. Especially since you've been alone for who knows how long." She said, my tears continuing to flow.

Kiki comforted me, as if she realized just how lonesome I truly was.

Kiki: "You must not have a lot of people you're close to other than Cinder. You said it yourself, you've traveled through forests for years, maybe it's taken it's toll on you." She said, getting up, my tears stopping. "After you're healed, what is it you plan to do?" She asked, me looking up at her.

Hanaki: "I want to...I want to stay in Clarines...work a job in the castle..even if it isn't something I'm good at. There's just something about this place and it's people that make me want to stay this time." I said simply, seeing Kiki give me a small smile.

Kiki: "If Shirayuki heard you say that, she'd tell you to do what you love. I overheard Zen mention a test Prince Izana has you planned to take soon when you're healed." She said, slowly opening the door. "He's not easy to read, even when you think you understand him, he'll turn the tables on you. Whatever offer he gave though, I suggest you take it. It may be your only shot at staying here." She said, promptly closing the door.

My only shot huh? There's no way I'll give it up then. Plus, I found something worth fighting for, or rather....someone.

I decided to check for any errors in my journal. I only made it halfway through, before deciding to get some sleep.

Windows to the Soul [Obi x Fem Character]Where stories live. Discover now