Part 28

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Time passed and an eventual gargoyle clan meeting was assembled in London. It was a start to having other gargoyle clans meet and start to try to get accepted into the world.

Jasira would eventually get to meet Atlas. She was overjoyed at their meeting.

Brooklyn eventually also saw a young female nearly his age from the Ishimura Clan. A greenish female with a smaller beak. She had mums on her shirt. He went over to talk to her, and he won her affection.

"Can I ask your name?" Brooklyn asked.

"I am Katsuki." The female greeted. "And you are?"

"Brooklyn. Nice to meet you, Katsuki." Brook replied.

Katsuki returned with Brooklyn to Manhattan to be an ambassador to them. Brooklyn was glad to have a female nearer to his own age now, but Jasira would always be welcome to be near her too.

That became a little issue with Jasira at first. She wasn't too keen on an adult female taking her father's time away from her. But Brook assured her that he would be there for her whether she wanted it or not. But he also cleared up that he needed another adult female in his life as he had been lonely for a long time.

Jasira understood. She was liking the possibility of being with Atlas one day too so in a way she was knowing what it felt like to be in a new relationship. Atlas just didn't come back to Manhattan yet, but they stayed in touch via computer text.

Brooklyn and Katsuki worked on their new bond for nearly a year before eventually deciding to become mates in the end. Jasira also got to know her and wished that Kat was her mom. She would be her stepmom anyway.

Goliath and Elisa were declared mates before the clan and adopted two human kids instead of risking reproduction. One girl and one boy.

Eventually, Brook and Kat would have their first egg in the breeding year. So did Broadway and Angela. Lex had a mate in a male in the London Clan, but he also offered his own breeding to a female that he would have no bond to. The eggs would all be traded off here and there and the hatchlings would have no recollection of whose parents were whose. But Brooklyn and Katsuki wanted to keep their egg in Manhattan, and so it was.

Years later, the eggs hatched. Brook and Kat had a son that looked much like his mom in color but had Brooklyn's looks. They called him Tengu after the tengu legends.

Broadway and Angela had kept their egg too. They had a son as their first born.

Jasira had also gotten with Atlas though they were too young to have an egg yet. It would happen next breeding season. They still had some growing up to do. Brooklyn was still protective over his daughter. It made her a little more resistant to him, but she still loved him as her dad.

Demona would still check in on her daughters from time to time but kept herself hidden from them and the clan. She saw that Brooklyn had a mate and a family now. Jasira had a boyfriend anyway. She sighed sadly. If she would change her ways, maybe she could find a new mate for herself. But that would be a miracle. She had been alone for so long; she didn't know if she had it in her anymore to be loved. Though she did wonder where the new gargoyles had come from. She hadn't known that there were other gargoyles in the world left.

Demona was just glad to see that her daughters were happy. She figured that Angela had made her a grandmother, but she would be lucky to ever know the grandchild. Maybe Angela had decided to not know which egg was hers and the hatchling would be raised communally like in the old times. But it wasn't her place to decide that.

Even during the breeding year, Demona had come into heat naturally, but she would never be able to mate again, at least to where she would never carry another egg. She would have to have help if she ever did. But after Jasira and her son, it just wasn't worth it. Things would always be a disaster for her.


Despite how things had happened so long ago to gain his daughter Jasira, Brooklyn was at last completely content in his life to have gained the love of his life and an even better family. Katsuki loved him for who he was and wasn't like Demona. Everything they did, they did consensually.

He had also watched his clan mix with the other clans and they were flourishing now, with how well gargoyles could. There would always be dilemmas to deal with in life, but it mattered to have backup of their clans, allies, and mates to help them overcome those obstacles.

The End 

Hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know this was a dark story, but just another I had to get off my mind. 

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