Chapter 7

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Jennie turned towards her, stepping back.

Lisa pulled back to her height, looking down at Jennie with an unreadable expression. "Are you following me?"

Again, a drumming ache began to pulse inside her. Lisa head tilted, waiting for Jennie to answer her.

Defensively, Jennie tipped her chin up. "Please. I have better things to do than to follow you."

Lisa stroked her jaw and said sarcastically, "Better things to do in a lone trail like this? Why don't you delight me with what you 'better things' you were planning to do?"

"I hardly find it fitting for a person as yourself to ask me such a question."

Lisa blinked again, as what Jennie said just went over her head.

"Do you hear the rubbish you spew out? I bet you don't even know what you are talking about."

Embarrassment coloring Jennie's cheeks, she tapped her foot to stop her jittery awareness at Lisa's nous.

Taking Jennie's silence as a victory, Lisa folds her arms across her broad chest. Lisa's legs stretched out like a lumberjack. "You just want to blab and have the last say. God, you are such a fake."

The insults kept hammering at Jennie and Jennie couldn't even stop them because deep down whatever Lisa was saying was all true.

However, that didn't make it real. Jennie stumped down the anger bubbling and she dismissively said, "And you are such a..."

Her words died when Lisa yawned. Lisa actually full out yawned at her face. Am I that boring?

Lisa released an exhausted sigh and said, "Look, I had a long day and from what I'm feeling, you are here simply to waste my time. Why don't you head back to the party and keep yourself occupied there, huh?"

Jennie couldn't help but lash out at her lack of concern over her. "I can do whatever I want. You don't get to boss me around."

Now Lisa's brow arched. "What exactly does 'whatever I want' mean? You are in the middle of no where. This isn't a fairy princess , Jennie."

Every time this woman utters her name, she could actually see her brain rolling around like a dog in a mud craving Lisa's attention.

Despite Lisa usual name calling, Jennie liked the way the upper backside of her bottom lip presses very lightly into the bottom of her top teeth, making the 'J in Jennie come out alive.

Jennie crossed her legs. The fact she got caught in her unbelievable lie didn't sit well with her. "I don't have to explain anything to you."

"You don't but I want to know." Lisa stepped forward, the boot crunching the gravel beneath.

She looked more burly and huge than ever, the veins cords

lining her strong neck stood out.

Lisa wanted to intimidate her. Scare her straight. Make her run away like a little kitten.

Jennie willed herself to not retreat back and stood on her ground. "I want to talk to you about what happened earlier."

Lisa immediately stopped. Unsureness and disgust marking her face, she bit out. "I told you not to bring it up. I regret what had happened."

Jennie's heart picked up as she saw Lisa cringe. Like she was this yucky old worn out sock Lisa wanted get rid of.

Stupidly wanting to get back at her, she said. "So did I. It's the worst feeling I have ever experienced."

Jennie knew she was laying it on thick but she kept a straight face.

Lisa didn't buy it for a second. "Oh really? I didn't hear you complain."

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