Chapter 19

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Her eyes watched the janitor sweeping the floor. His back was different and not burly but scrawny. When he turned, long black hair shook while he bent down to clean.

Did Lisa quit? Or did she just not want to face her? Lisa didn't want Jennie that much that she couldn't stand to see her face?

Just at that thought, her eyes dazed. I hate her! I hate her!

"I need some air. I'll see you later, Chae." Not waiting for her reply, Jennie walked back out into the school's football field.

The sun was high and sultry. The sky was white with puffy blue rimmed clouds. The field was watered and soggy as she stepped on the grass. Her flat shoes instantly becoming wet.

The straight smell of soil and earth glided into her nostrils making her miss Lisa even more.

She didn't feel so much hurt in a long time. What is the maximum magnitude on the scale of how much pain does one can take?

"No! No! I'm strong! I don't need her!"

Jennie had tried to make it work. She did!

But Lisa didn't even want to give them a shot. It's like all the burden has fallen upon her and she refuses to acknowledge the fact that things change.

Jennie did and not for Lisa but for herself. She chose to be with Lisa despite of what the consequences may be.

So what her father says something? She will make sure that he respects Lisa just like he would to any other human being.

Jennie wanted to fight for Lisa. Be brave for them but Lisa shot her down like a piñata. Except sweets and candies falling down, it was sorrow and tears. Urgh..she hated crying like this! No more, just like Chaeyoung said. It's not like she needed him. She would find someone else. Some one opposite Lisa maybe.

Someone better than Lisa.

Or..someone who is Lisa.

Just thinking of it, a dreamy smile touched her lips.

Lisa was nice, simple and sweet in her own way. She was angry and deep like a person who knew things. She was a person who could love her for her.

Wait? Love her? No, this was too soon for love but it was a great start for like. She liked Lisa and a lot.

Lisa's prowess, her magnetism and the way she was so passionate to her, Jennie really liked that.

If only, Lisa liked her.

If only.

Jennie turned around to head back to class only to stop short. Seeing the blonde haired blue cruel eyes pointing at her. His hand in one pocket and a phone in another.

His stance was menacing and it looked bad and by bad, she meant bad for her.

She gulped in fear.



Lisa grumbles as she slams the empty class room door shut. Where is she?

She had come in late and told Thomas to fill her shift for a while. When she reached school, she looked around for Jennie. Why?

Because she bloody fucked up big time.

She and her fucking mouth railed on things that she shouldn't have been said. After Jennie had left, she roared in her cabin.

Crashing whatever furniture that was left. Chair broken, clothes flung around her room and her sheets all torn.

Her chest began to ache. She thumped on it trying to ease

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