Chapter 12

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"Well, you have two options. Do you want to work for me or cover-"

"I'll do the other one in heart beat. Never work for you. You bloody don't pay."

"Now why would I pay my own friend to stand in for me? Anyway, it's to cover Thomas's shift at that fancy new restaurant called 'Aizle'. You have wait tables."

"I have done that before. I make mean tips."

"Whatever. No on likes a show off. So you better head over there. His shift starts in an hour. Just say you are filling for Thomas Bradley."

"Dude I know how it works."

"Are you bragging right now? Because let me tell you that's not something you can-"

Lisa cut her call and after hosing down the last burning embers, she went back in and changed into some clean jeans and a faded green round neck t-shirt.

She usually walks since she didn't want to waste money on gas and she didn't have a car because it was clear to what happened to the lovely piece of Hyundai he had bought. Fucking Joy.

As she strode faster to the opening of crossway, she met

Minnie who just pulled stop by her with her truck.

She used to have a small crush but after she knew Lisa wasn't into anything serious, she had left it and stayed good friends.

"Hey there, stranger. Wanna lift? Where are you headed?"

"Central. The new place called-"

"Aizle. I heard of it. Cmon, get your butt in."

Lisa chucked and got inside. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

She started her engine and began to drive. "No problem. Why you heading down there? Got a date?"

Lisa snorted, "Please. Don't make me laugh."

"Right. Lisa Manoban doesn't do the dating scene. Any reason why then?"

Lisa shrugged. "Covering a shift for a buddy."

They talked some more, on the happenings of mostly Minnie's life. Lisa didn't like talking about her. Any question marked to her, she managed to dodge through it.

When Minnie dropped her near the back of the restaurant, Lisa turned to say her thanks when she looked at Lisa strangely. "What?"

"I know you said you weren't ready to move on, but call me if you ever do."

Lisa didn't know what to say but she simply nodded and got off.

Heading over to the back foot of the restaurant, she thought of her words.

Was she ready to move on?

Entering the kitchen, she told the manager the details of her coming and soon as she got changed into the typical white and black uniform, she began to take orders.

Lisa had done this few years ago. Waiting tables, chatting up with the locals and the pizzaz of asking about their day back and forth routine.

This wasn't like that. It was different here. These were the rich branch of the society. The part which he loathes.

She didn't have any hostility as such towards them but it

was a stark reminder of why her wife left her.

For this.

This snazzy high life.

At first, she was on a tense mode as she took down the orders. Her first instinct was to attack in case someone mentioned something snooty about her occupation, clothes and hair.

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