Chapter 8

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Shopping with Chaeyoung was the worst thing in the world.

Jennie had so so so many choices. This was bad. This made her ass look big. This made her look like a slut. This makes her look like something else. That made her feel something 'yuck'.

A commotion of her blabbering with the piles of clothes surrounding her as Jennie helps Chaeyoung try on multiple outfits.

They were currently hold up in a mini shopping complex which was close by to Jisoo's auto shop.

Chaeyoung was invited to hang out with Jisoo and Chaeyoung wanted to find out the perfect outfit. In order to do that, she had to get some intel on where Jisoo was taking her.

Chaeyoung thought she could sneak in, try and catch Jisoo.

And she would threaten the truth out of Jisoo if needed,

because Chaeyoung had one policy. She hated surprises.

However, when they reached the shop, another person who was left in charge, Thomas told them that Jisoo had gone out, getting groceries for a 'special dinner'.

Chaeyoung squealed when she heard those words. It's probably because Chaeyoung enjoyed a home cooked meal more than anything else.

Chaeyoung told Thomas then to let Jisoo know she stopped by and if she came in early, send Jisoo to the shopping complex near by.

Now standing outside the dressing room while Chaeyoung tried out several outfits, then she stopped and looked at her with horrified eyes. "What if she wants to have sex with me?"

Jennie caught the skirt Chaeyoung sent flying to her and said, "You know you can say no."

"Yeah but what if she somehow rips my clothes and nails me down? Then what?" Jennie got bored with the conversation and ignored Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung can be too much at times. Like a royal drama queen.

Jennie decided to look around and see if she saw anything she liked.

This usually was not her type of place to shop but she liked the variety and style. Toying with the different color skirts hanging on the rack, she picked out a green and pink one, touching their material.

Jennie enjoyed wearing skirts, they made her feel feminine and she often wore it when she needed to feel empowered and skirts were just her thing.

Especially when she saw Lisa peeking at her legs.

Jennie kept turning in her sleep these days, thinking of Lisa and her smoldering eyes sweeping over her. What would happen when they meet next?

Jennie got so wound up that she tried not to let her imaginations run wild.

Seeing Lisa made her get in touch with her feminine wiles and to tease and coax Lisa was thrumming in her.

The fact Lisa was so scathing to her made Jennie want her more. No person has ever not wanted to play around with her despite her non-feelings towards them.

This is the first time Jennie felt something and it so happened with a woman who was off handed and perfunctory to her.

As she went to another rack of small tops, she heard Chaeyoung's famous squeal.

Jennie turned around only to hide behind the rack of clothes. Why is it that she kept meeting her all over the place?

From the gaps of the clothes hanging, she could see and hear Jisoo telling Chaeyoung what Thomas told her so Jisoo thought to stop by and surprise Chaeyoung.

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