Chapter 13

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She sharply turned around, facing Lisa. "I'm so sorry for what happened back there. Hanbin-"

"Shut up." Jennie hated how she clamped her mouth sealed at her demand.

Her eyes raked over her, as usual eating the clothes away from her body. She had worn another backless off white lacy top with her golden skirt moulding her ass.

When she glanced back up, his pupils were smoky. "Are you into him?"

Her answer was quick, "No! He cheated on me!"

"Did you do anything with him?"

Now she was confused. "What are you saying?" Lisa grated,

"Did you let him touch you?"

"Well, we did kiss that's all. He always did grab me when we were alone but I came up with excuses to not go further."

"If you don't like that guy, why was he there with you today?"

"Good question. Apparently he didn't tell my parents about the break up and I forgot to mention it." Jennie said last part quietly, in guilt.

Lisa tilted hed head, studying her. "I don't get you, princess. Here you go around demanding people pay attention to you and when the time comes for you to just let your parents know, it fizzles out. You confuse me."

"Hey! It's a little more complicated than that."

"Really? How hard is it to just say the words?"

Now that she was poking her, Jennie felt the ick rising in her. Lisa was brave to talk to her like this, Jennie would give her that but that's not something she likes to listen. People coddling her like a child. No way.

"Listen, I have my own mind and I'll say it when I think I know it's right. They are my parents, don't talk to me like I don't know what I'm doing."

"You don't know what you are doing. You are too busy flying around like little coward fairy princess, who is afraid to speak her mind."

Jennie nostrils flared in indignantly. "You are such a tool! Why are you so interested anyway? You talk to me of courage, where's yours? I saw the way you looked at Hanbin's hand on me."

Lisa tensed. Those muscles bunched behind the white starch fabric. Jennie bet if she inhaled her, that fresh earthy smell would engulf her.

"That means nothing. I just hated that guy's guts. I don't care what you two do under the table." Lisa spat the words out, hating how they come out of her like vomit.

Yet Jennie didn't buy it for a second. "Right. Of course. Even if he was going to touch the black lace panties I have on tonight."

Lisa's eyes narrowed at her pelvis, as if trying to discern whether Jennie was talking true or not. She peered at Jennie's skirt so hard as if she wanted to remove it with the power of her eyes.

She growled. "I want to see them."

Jennie smirked with delight. "No can do. You called me a coward and for that-"

She barely completed her sentence, when she heard two women's voice outside the washroom.

Lisa not wasting any time, took hold of her hand and ushered them into an empty stall.

She locked it just as the two ladies got in. They were numbing about an unanticipated fire that had started at the end of the lane.

Jennie curiously listened, pressing her ear at the wall. She had heard about that instance. Not many died but some were fatally injured.

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