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It's been a few weeks. Ever since that day, Haruka has now dedicated all her free time to getting ZerØ's full attention. Taking hours out of her days just to piece together whatever information she has so far. She and ZerØ have been constantly sending letters back and forth, while she has been stalking her the whole time. Each letter Haruka received was pinned on her wall. She went on her phone and checked the news for anything interesting. There was a news segment about ZerØ. It said how the police claimed ZerØ to be a national threat, and how she was terrorizing this city by killing. They state that not even children are safe. It also said that people should stay inside during the night until they capture her. Haruka was frustrated. ZerØ is extremely kind. She only kills criminals. She would never hurt an innocent person. Haruka threw on her hoodie and leather gloves and took her notepad with her. She walked out the house and went to ZerØ's. She talked a bit to herself as she was walking.

"I remember hijacking a signal once to interrupt one of that woman's meetings, maybe I'll give instructions for it to her or something. I'm sure it will make her think highly of me."

She arrived at ZerØ's house and wrote the letter. She slipped it into the room via the window and knocked a few times. It was how she would let her know she slipped in a letter. ZerØ was not in the room at the moment, but as soon as she heard the knocking she rushed in. Haruka hid before she could get noticed. While she could just figure it out by breaking into ZerØ's house, she didn't want to find out that quickly. It would be anticlimactic. She'd lose the thrill of gathering info about ZerØ. ZerØ got super excited and started bouncing up and down.

"Yayyy!! I've been waiting for a new one! I'm so excited to read it!!"

ZerØ began to read it aloud.

"Hello again. I don't know if I told you this yet but, I value you a lot. More than you will ever imagine. Lately, the local news station has been tainting your image. I do not appreciate the way they attempt to fear monger people. They said you are a national threat, how everyone should stay inside with their children, and how everything you do is unjust. I have left some instructions about how to hijack the local news station, in case you wish to correct them. With words and pictures, since you said you like pictures. I hope I can be of use to you in some way. Love,"

And as always, the name was scratched out in black ink. ZerØ smirked a bit with pride.

"My my, what a loyal stalker you are! ~ giving me this much valuable intel, it'd be insulting not to put it to good use! It's such a sweet gesture too! I'm blushing just thinking about it! Though, to think that my secret admirer is capable of this kind of stuff, it'll be a good thing to keep in mind."

Haruka's face went bright red. She started walking home. The entire time, she was as happy as ever. She was of use to ZerØ. She never felt genuinely valuable before, or useful. She walked in the house and went to her room. She spent her time fantasizing about ZerØ and playing her favorite mobile rhythm game. After about 3 hours of playing her game, she heard some static noises from the TV. Her father must have slept on the remote again. She goes downstairs to see what was going on. Suddenly, she heard a familiar laughter coming from the screen. Haruka backed away from the TV. And, to her surprise, ZerØ was on the screen. She sits down on the floor and observes. ZerØ started talking from the TV. Her voice sounded just a bit distorted, but not enough for Haruka to not adore it.

"E-eh?! It worked? Yay! I knew I could trust her instructions!"

Haruka felt her heart skip a beat. She was flattered that ZerØ trusts her. She was surprised that ZerØ would do it on the same day though.

"Anywaysss-! Hiya everyone! I'm pretty sure you all already know me, so I won't take the time to introduce myself! I don't know how much time I have to do this, so I'll get right to the point! You have all been deceived by the government and local police department. I am not a national threat. I am not a danger to society. I'm not any of that kind of stuff! They're using me to instill fear in people and to make them rely on the government more. And frankly, I don't appreciate a bunch of washed up and selfish idiots tainting my image. I'm trying to cleanse society, not harm it. It is not my fault that the government can't do their job properly. It is my job however, to step in, when they seem to fail at the one thing they are supposed to do. Protect their people."

Haruka listened closely.

"Also, I find the whole 'protect your children' thing quite disrespectful. I would never hurt a child. I love kids! They're so small and cute! To insinuate that I would even lay a finger on them is disgusting. If I ever find a child while I'm outside, I take them in and take care of them until I find their parents! Then, return them safe and sound!"

Haruka was kind of surprised that ZerØ loved kids so much. But she supposed it was obvious. Since ZerØ loves anything that is cute and small, she's expressed so in their letters.

"I am not terrorizing the innocent. If you think killing pedos, sexual offenders, and abusers is unjust, then that is your prerogative. However, you cannot claim I am going out and killing random ass people. I'm not letting that fly."

ZerØ pans the camera to a large list. A list of criminals that police failed to put in prison or had warrants out for their arrest.

"Look at that list. Tell me if you see a single innocent individual there. I do constant research on these pieces of filth, and my efforts are not even acknowledged by this shit government. I have never hurt a single innocent person."

Haruka examined the list. It had 48 names on it, and that was only what was in view.

"You do not need to be afraid of me, that's what they want you to feel. They are manipulating your emotions, your fears, your concerns, everything! There is no reason to shelter away from me. As long as you aren't in the groups I listed previously, you are safe. My job is to protect you all, the innocent citizens. Do not let yourself be manipulated by those in higher power. They do not deserve your trust, your sympathy, or your support. Not now, at least. Do not reward their bad behavior, punish it. Think about it! The only thing giving the government and police any power is its people! They are servants, servants of the people! ~ Isn't that funny?"

ZerØ started laughing. Haruka was chuckling along with her.

"But, they haven't been doing a very good job as of late. How sad. Well, now that I've finally spoken up, you guys know what to do! Ain't that right? ~ Ah! Almost forgot! A certain special person helped me do this, so I'd like to say thanks to her! You did such a good job! ~ You're a really smart girl!"

Harukas face went red. A compliment from ZerØ herself. It felt just as she thought it would. Beyond amazing. That wonderful sensation. That sensation she was hoping ZerØ would give her. She bit her nail. She couldn't handle the praise. It was too much. She felt like she was about to burst.

"And as for those scum of the earth, still wandering the streets as though they are human.."

ZerØ held up her index fingers and they formed an X.

"Your demise awaits you! ~"

The TV switched back to normal. Haruka was still on her knees on the floor, still processing what she was feeling. Still trying not to scream. At this point, she was practically foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. She clasped her hands in prayer. As she was about to thank God, she stopped herself. She knew who she should truly thank. God was not responsible for what she was feeling. She had no reason to thank God at this time.

"Ahh, thank you, ZerØ!!!~ Thank you for blessing me with your praise!!~"

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