Mission Failed Successfully

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Haruka woke up. She had an amazing sleep. The sun shined bright through the slightly cracked open windows. She wanted to turn on the tablet so badly, but she didn't want to intrude on her regular daily life. Haruka went to the kitchen. There was nothing in the fridge or cabinets. Her dad had decided to save a majority of his check for buying pills again. The only money he put aside for food was already used on takeout meals for himself, since he said it would be too expensive to buy her food as well. He would only give her a small amount of his piles of food. Her dad was lying unconscious on the couch with takeout plates surrounding him, the TV still playing the sports channel. She sighed, frustrated. Haruka went back to her room. She took out an electric pot from her drawer and plugged it in an outlet. She took a ramen pack from her top shelf and a bottle of water. She poured the water into the pot and put the ramen in after. Haruka looked at her trash can. It was filled to the brim with empty water bottles and ramen wrappers. Haruka had been living off of these ramen packs since she got here. As she let the ramen boil, she sat there watching the bubbles form in the pot. Ramen was the cheapest thing she could get. She used change in the couches to pay for at least 6 packs for the week. She bought them in bulk at the local dollar store. When the ramen was done, she turned off the pot, put in a seasoning pack, and ate the ramen out of the pot. She finished eating and spent the rest of the day bored. As soon as the sun went down, she hatched her plan. She knew she would have to lure ZerØ somewhere secret. Somewhere private. A place where no one can interfere with her plans. She took a moment to think. Then, it hit her. There was a place she could use. The abandoned warehouse for rent near her house was right in the middle of where the next 2 pins are. It had no cameras, a light source, and was a place people never go to. She didn't know how to lure her in. It took her some time to think. She would have to figure it out when she got outside. The moon began to shine bright in the night sky. It was time. She put on her usual outfit and took her tablet monitor. But this time, she took a small pocketknife with her. This plan needed to go off without a hitch. And she will do anything in her power to prevent any outsiders from interfering. She turned on the tablet and saw that ZerØ was heading out of her house. She pressed the stamp on her desk and filled 3 syringes with the healing regeneration serum she had used previously. She pressed the button to hide her science equipment and left. She was practically sprinting to the first location. By the time she got there, she saw ZerØ. She hid. ZerØ was laughing at a guy lying on the pavement, with multiple deep stab wounds visible on his body.

"Seeing you lie there helpless after you lunged at me trying to attack me is hilarious! I'm sure you won't survive another few minutes, so I'll just let you bleed out and feel all that pain for the last few minutes of life you have left! I have more important matters to attend to.."

ZerØ draws an X on his face with blood from a wound and walks away. Haruka impulsively walks to the victim, angry that he attacked ZerØ. Scum like him should accept fate. She immediately took out a syringe, she didn't know what she was doing but she had to work fast. The guy spoke weakly.

"I-I..W-What the hell are you d-doing..?"

Haruka responded in her usual harsh tone.

"You have 1 minute left to live. I am simply prolonging how much time you have left on this earth."

She stabbed him with a syringe and injected him with it. He winced in pain. After a few seconds, his wounds start to close up. The man looked up at her confused and shocked.

"T-Thanks for saving me, I-I owe you my life..!"

Haruka took out her knife. Her tone was so sharp that it felt like it could cut right through him faster than the very blade she was holding.

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