Welcome Back To The World

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Dom and I walked outside. We sat in the porch steps. I took a deep breath and laid back on the porch.
"You okay?" He asked. He placed his hand in my stomach.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I placed my hand over his. "I wonder where TK went."
"Yeah, he kinda just ran off."
"What a cunt. I let him mess around with me then he leaves?"
"Maybe that's all he wanted?"
"What?" I shot up. "What do you mean?"
He leaned up. "I mean, he kinda just left after cumming. That's a shitty move for a friend. He may have just wanted to use you and be gone."
Dom put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. If that was it, I'll kick his ass."
I smiled.
Something didn't feel right. I could feel eyes on me. It felt like a laser was burning through my skull. I looked over my shoulder a few times. I didn't see anyone. It was creepy. There was someone or something watching me.
"I think I'm gonna head home." I took Dom's hand off my shoulder and placed it on his thigh.
"Do you want me to take you?"
"No, it's okay. I need some time, I think. I had fun. Thank you. I'll text you." I walked away quickly.
I texted TK that I was taking the car. I don't know where he went, and he wasn't answering me. He left me alone.
As I made my way down the road, chills went up my spine. I kept checking the rear view mirror.
"It's okay. Focus on the road, Y/N." I stared out the front glass.
A cold, damp rag slapped over my nose and mouth. I heavy grip held it against my face. I let go of the wheel and tried to pry the hand away. The car swerved all over the road as my vision faded to black.

Author notes-
I'm so sorry for not posting any new chapters! I've been in such a horrible mindset recently. It's been very hard. I had no motivation to do anything. I'll work on more chapters for the next couple of days. Thanks!!!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 13 ⏰

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Y/N and Goth Peter Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang