Chapter 5

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Antonio's POV

My anger is rising and I'm getting to the point where I am ready to kill someone. We have been sitting on this jet for 45 minutes waiting for it to be ready to go. Turns out there was an issue with getting it filled up with fuel and there still not gotten round to getting it done so in the meantime I'm sitting with a glass of whisky trying to calm my rising anger at the situation. I sent Sergi out to grab a few bits for Alana while we wait since we are close to a few shops which have some children's clothes and other bits needed for her since I want to get her out of those dirty clothes, she has clearly been in for a few days now. Just as Sergi comes back with the things I requested the porters come with the tank to fill the jet up, thank God it's about time I think to myself when they tell us it should be filled and ready to go in about 30 minutes which I'm not happy with having to wait that long but needs must so I take the opportunity to look threw the bag of stuff Sergi got and decide to take her threw and get her changed before we take off.

I carefully lift Alana from her seat and head to the back of the jet where this is a small room with a double bed in it and lay her down while I get everything ready. I decided to wake her up to get cleaned and dressed. "Alana, love you need to wake up for me darling" I say while I rub her tummy. I leave her a moment to come to and once she wakes, we will get sorted. "There's those lovely eyes, I got you a change of clothes, so let's get cleaned and dressed okay" I say as I attempt to undress her, "I can do it myself" she whispers while grabbing onto my hands with her tiny ones. "On baby your too young to do it yourself, so daddy needs to help you" I say as I gently peel her hands off me and hold them in one hand, I then proceed to undress her. I can see the uncertainty and embarrassment on her face, but she will have to get use to it, as I said before she is now my baby and will be treated as such.

I get her top and bottoms off then pick up a luke warm cloth I brought from the tap in the room and start wiping her arms, legs and face down just to try and get some of the muck from the past few days off her, as I finish this I then proceed to wipe her bottom half which she did not like but again will have to get use to. I still have both her hands in mine, but she is fighting to get free, I just ignore her to show its not bothering me and continue with what I'm doing. Once I have wiped everything, I grab the hand towel and dry her then proceed to put the little forest green dress Sergi got for her on. Now for the hard part. I know she is not going to like this btu yet again it is something she is going to have to get use to. I grab a nappy from the bag and prepare to put it on her before she catches sight of it, but sadly she faces it, and I can see the panic on her face. "No, I don't need that, please don't make me wear that" she cried, there is nothing I can say that will help her calm down, so I proceed to get her finished up. Once done I picked her up and bounced her while rubbing her back trying to sooth her a little. I walk back into the main seating area where Sergi and Tony are sitting waiting for the jet to be ready. I stay standing trying to calm her down and see Sergi and Tony give sympathetic smiles her way, I'm sure they know what has just happened. After ten minutes I feel her settle and go quiet, I look down at her and the poor girl has cried herself to sleep. I smile down at her and kiss her forehead then proceed to sit her in her seat tucking her blanket in as well.

"She's such a sweet little thing isn't she," Tony says looking over at her as I take my seat. "Yes, I have to say in a short time I have had her, I have grown rather fond of her." "I don't like seeing her upset, poor thing should only ever have a smile on her face" Sergi interjects in which Tony agrees. "Yes, I don't like when she cries either, but I knew this would happen so may as well have gotten it done sooner rather than later. Poor lass has cried herself to sleep." Just as I say this the cabin crew comes over and tells us we are ready to go and to strap in.

Once we are up heading down the runway, we start to pick up speed and I see Alana waking up, I was hoping she would stay asleep, but I suppose if she hasn't flown before or in a long time the feeling may not be pleasant for her. I can see the fear in her eyes as she looks round and grips onto the sides of the car seat. "You're okay love this part won't last long," I say while taking hold of her hand closest to me to try and reassure her. "Never been on one before, I don't like the feeling" she cries out quietly, "Your safe I promise" just then the jet leaves the ground, and we are on your way up. All I can head is Alana's little cried as we make out way from the ground to the sky, I expected her to try and rip her hand out of mine when I took hold of hers but she never clearly the whole experience of taking off had all her attention but once we were in the air and the jet had steadied in the sky she looked around and noticed her hand in mine and proceeded to take hers back which made me smile.

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