Chapter 11

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Maria's POV

I always hated it when Antonio went away for business. He was usually gone for two and three days at a time to ensure he got everything he needed done completed before coming back home. I wouldn't have minded as much if my sons would stick around more, they would often get up, eat then head out doing their own thing or sit in their rooms ignoring the world and I hated it. Ever since we lost my daughter to a premature birth my family has drifted apart; the love is still there but there is a hole in the family that she took to heaven with her. Our family always wanted a daughter to love and spoil and when I found out I was pregnant with a little girl the boys were over the moon. Xander and Luca helped design the nursery and would not stop talking about all the activities they were going to do once she was born. The stories before bed, all the cuddles they were going to smush her in and so much more.

When our daughter passed on its like our family was only attached but a thin thread ready to sever at any moment and my heart had been breaking ever since not only did, I lose my daughter but my sons that day too it hit them really hard and their way of handling it was to shut us all out. I missed my husband and was hoping he would have been home by now so I decided to call him to see when he would be home. After our talk he said that he had a surprise for me, and I couldn't wait. He always brings me something home but never actually says he's bringing something home so it must be good if he has mentioned it. I spent the rest of my afternoon sitting in the library reading with some music in the background. I have sat here most days reading since I have no energy to do much more, I have been like this for the past year, but I don't mind as I love to get lost in a good book and Antonio tends to bring me a new book home when ever he is away on his trips.

Once again, I was lost in my book when Tony came into the library saying Antonio has asked us all to gather in his study which is odd. I hope something bad hasn't happened when he was away. I follow Tony down to the study where he opens the door for me and walks away. I walk in and see that my sons are already there, and my husband is standing in front of his desk with that well known smile. He has something up his sleeve. When he started talking about adoption, I was shocked it was not something we never spoke about so what had happened to have him bring this up? He is well aware of the feelings we all have about having a little girl in our family so why is he asking when he already knows. While the conversation continues, we all jump when there is a loud scream followed by shouting then crying. I look at my husband with curiosity as he quickly turns and goes behind his desk bending down, when he stands back up he had a small girl who looks to be about two in his arms.

When he turns to look at us, he gives that look that says I will explain all in detail later. We go back and forth in conversation while we sit on the sofa waiting for the little one, we now know as Alana to calm herself and come out of hiding. I did try to take her from my husband, but she clung on like he was her life line so I knew I had to wait. It wasn't until Xander finally decided to talk that she pulled away from Antionio slightly, it was nice to see her face and to see him with a smile on his the same with Luca. We did get a look at her file and what I saw was awful and I swore I would be the best mommy to her I could be, better than the one who abandons her to work in a whore house and does drugs, no child should be around that it is probably why she has her condition and wont grow.

You could see her curiosity pick up when the boys started to talk to her, but you could also see how nervous and scared she was, and I don't think that she was aware of her thumb going up and into her mouth, so I took it upon myself to stop that now. I went over and took it out her mouth then took the opportunity to pick her up and boy was she lighter than a feather. I think she though I would drop her because the grip she had on my top was made of steel. She looked at me then around before landing on Antonio, I could see the tears in her eyes and when she reached out to him I have to admit I was slightly hurt but I understand it's been a long day for her and this will be a lot to take in. We sat down to eat even though myself and the boys have already eaten but we would not pass up the opportunity to spend a little more time with Alana. When bed time came around you could tell that she was shattered and I think she more than welcomed sleep, as we reluctantly put her in the crib and made out way out to the boys all I could think was, is this what I need to feel whole again and will that little girl bring my family back together?

Xander's POV

I have had a quiet day sitting in my room playing some games since I don't have anything better to do today. I prefer to spend my time alone when I am home, I like the quiet. My family had drifted apart and it tends to just be an awkward silence when we are in the same room as each other even more so when our mother is there. I never know what to say to her, so I just don't say anything at all. When we were all called to my father's study, I really did not want to go but everyone knows you do not disobey the boss, you never know if he wanted a family talk or a business talk so when you were called to the study then you had to appear there was no exceptions.

All this back and forth about adoption a girl to be part of our family had hope sparking within me, but the idea also frightened me, what if this girl was pain in the ass and made life harder than it already was, but when my father picked up the crying kid my heart melted. She was stunning and so tiny. I knew from the moment she stared at me that I would protect her with my life and after reading her file I knew that she needed more love and protection that anyone in this house and I would be more than happy to give her it all.

Luca's POV

After a long day out at college where I am studying engineering, I came home to a quiet house as per usual. After making my way threw to the dining room I sat with my brother and mother to eat dinner and as per usual no one said a work. It has been like this for the past year, and I hate it. After a bit to eat I went to shower and just as I went to lay down Tony has come saying my dad had requested everyone in his office immediately. Sighing, I got up and made my way down to his office to hear what he has to say and what I did not expect him to bring up the though of adopting a little girl and I sure as hell did not expect him to actually have one behind his desk.

When I saw her face I was mesmerised by her. She was timid I could tell and once I seen what her life was like before now it broke my heart to know she grew up in such horrible living situation. I will welcome her to this family with open arms and I hope she warms up to me quickly. I can already picture all the activities we will do, and I can't wait to hold her in my arms. She may just bring my family back together. 

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