Chapter 23

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Antonio's POV

The last thing I expected after that English shit threatening me and my family was for my parents to walk through the door. I love them but we were going to hold of for a little bit before we introduced Alana to the rest of the family. We wanted her to settle in first and be comfortable with us, so I was a little unsure about how she would react having another 2 new faces thrown her way. However, Alana surprised us all. She has been laughing a lot tonight, seems to have connected well with her grandparents and I think she might have settled enough that she slipped into a headspace too.

My suspicions were right when she came crawling over to me and sat down at my feet. She then started to tug on my trouser leg saying "Daddy sweepy" in the cutest little tired voice ever, but then again, I am bias. I picked her up as I told her not to rub her eyes and cuddled her into me as I rocked her slightly. I had asked Maria to grab her a bottle of milk in hope that she would drink it and then I would set her down in bed for the night. I was relieved when she took it with no hesitation like the other times and as we continue our conversations a little bit quieter than beforehand, I would glance down at her to make sure she was ok. I could see her eyes droop the more she drank so I kept up with rocking her and we kept our voices low.

After about ten minutes of glancing down here and there at her, she was finally out for the count. I thought about heading straight up to the nursery with her but decided against it thinking that maybe I should wait and keep going with the rocking just to ensure she definitely sound asleep. So, I do, I stay with her in my arms for another ten minutes before I let everyone know I am taking her up to bed. As I head up the stairs, I make sure my movements are steady all the way to the nursery then I lay her down on the changing table. "I hope I don't wake her" I whisper to myself as I begin to undress her. I know she has a onzie on but she needs he diaper changed and I want to put a fresh one on before bed.

I make quick but gently work of getting her changed and I give myself a pat on the back that I managed to do it without waking her up. I gently pick her up and walk over to the crib before slowly setting her down. Picking up her blanket I place it over her, tuck her teddy in beside her then put her paci in her mouth that she takes straight away and starts to suck on. "Goodnight my princess, I know you never asked for this, but I hope you know that we love you" I say quietly before picking up the baby monitor and turning the night light on before turning the room light off.

When I head back downstairs, I smile at my family who are all still in conversation with each other. "Well, that went way better than I thought it would" I say to them all and get nods and yes's all around. "She is so precious my boy, how did this come about?" my mother asks but before I have a chance to say anything my father speaks up "I will tell you all about it on the way home my dear, but for now I think it is time we head home yes?" "Oh, of course I suppose it is getting late isn't it, well we will see you in a few days no doubt for our usual Sunday dinner, yes?" my mother asks which makes me remember she does not know about the events of this morning. "No mum, we are heading off to out other home tomorrow for a week due to a threat, actually maybe you should both come with us? Get to know Alana better?" I thought it may be best they come as well, just as a precaution and knowing my mum she is always wanting to spend more time with her grandbabies as she calls them. "Oh. what do you say Jack? I think it would be a great to spend a week with the family" mum says while looking at my dad with pleading eyes, he sighs looking at her, he knows she will get her way one way or another so replied "Yes, I think that would be a good idea and we can help in any way we can, not come love we will go now and I will explain everything on the way home, son we will be here for say 10am tomorrow morning?" "That is perfect, we plan to leave about 1 so we will have lunch before we go" and with that my parents leave, and we all then head to bed as well. It seems I lost track of time, even when Alana was still awake, I did not realise that it was indeed very late.

Alice's POV (Grandma)

When I came to see my son and his family today, I did not expect there to be a little girl in his arms. She was just adorable and when he said that they adopted her, and she was now my granddaughter I was over the moon. I did think it was a bit odd, but I knew I would find out the whole story at some point. When he offered for me to take her to play for a little while I had no hesitation in saying yes. When I pulled her into my arms, I did not miss the look of uncertainty in her face, however I chose to ignore it and I reminded myself that I am a new face to her.

When we reached the playroom, I walked over to the corner with some beanbags, toys and other things. I sat us down and I could see she was still unsure, so I proceeded to tell her about myself. Time got away from us and I ended up talking about her daddy when he was younger and before we knew it, we were both laughing away, and the next thing we knew Luca came through telling us it was dinner time. When we made our way through to the I seen my husband standing next to the table with is every so serious face which quickly turned into a happier one when he realised that he had scared Alana a little with how over brooding posture.

Dinner was nice and quick, we had light chats going threw the room as we ate. Between Jack and I, we fed Alana who had sat in his lap the whole time. After dinner it was nice to sit with my family and just chat away some more. Alana was sitting on the floor with her teddy and was paying attention to us chatting about the good old times, she was even laughing a lot at the silly things being said, before she became sleepy and went to her daddy. Honestly, she is just the most adorable little girl every, I can't wait to spend more time with her and spoil her and this week away with them all will give me that opportunity.

Jack's POV (Grampa)

I love my family, I always have. I had never though that it was incomplete until I seen how everyone interacted with each other and this little girl that they had adopted. When my son had told me the story behind how Alana became part of the family, I was slightly shocked, but then I though about what he had said about her childhood and her mother, and I figured that she would have a better life here.

As the evening went on, we got to see more of her giggly side, she had such a contagious laugh, and she was also loving all the silly stories we were telling about when the boys were younger and even when Antionio was a boy. I could tell she was getting tired, and I was close to saying something to my son, but she beat me to it. Hearing her call him daddy did sound a little strange at first but seeing him interact with her I knew that she already had him wrapped around his fingers and the look he would give her was a look I knew all too well. I had that look when he was a boy, and he had that look when both his boys were young and needed him.

I am looking forward to spending some time away with them all, I know it is not under great circumstances but it will give us all a chance to get to know her more and for her to settle into the family and get to know us as well. 

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