10.After shock

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Atticus stood there staring at the screen. Sweat dripped down his face as the video replayed in his head.

"Att, are you ok?" Cara asked a look of bewilderment crossed her face.

Atticus nooded and headed toward the Bathroom. Stopping for minute Atticus doubled over and started to puke.

Amy looked around the room. The stakes were getting higher than ever. She could finally see what the Vesper's were doing to them.

Everyone was silent and just stared at the screen. Occasionally they could hear Atticus puking.

"My mum used to train her. She didn't deserve to go out like this." Ian said breaking the silence.

Dan let go of the mouse. His face was white as an sheet.

" I can't believe" He said taking a breath as if he was having an asthma attack. " Someone could be so sick enough to do this."

"Yo- do you think this is going to happen to all of us?"Jonah asked as looked at the screen.

"I don't know." Amy awnsered.

Atticus walked back into the room. His hands shaking, with sweat pouring down his face.

"Att." Jake called to his brother.
Amy sat on the bed. Her hair was put into a pony tail,and was wearing a gray sweater, with a black skirt. In a few moments she would be live on on the briefing a branch leader meeting.

"Five minutes." Cara called

She started getting up and heading out the bedroom door.

" Don't you look nice." Ian complemented as Amy walked through the door.

She smiled and headed toward the center chair. Sitting in this chair brought back memories of her first time taking charge.

"So it's settled, then," Amy concluded, her voice and image beaming around the world to dozens of computers, screens, and smart phones. " Dan and I will be on the ground in Italy, keeping Vesper One happy. But Sinead and Ian will keep you posted from here. Wish us luck."

Amy frowned. It was much easier back then just travel, steal, and deliver a package. Now it was all about protecting your self or be killed. But the sadest part about it is that it's all the blood spilled is on her hands.

"Amy, we're live now." Cara said as she manned all the controls.

"Hello Cahills, it's been a while. " Amy said taking a breath, an image of Chrissy Collins lifeless body came to her mind. " Vesper One is coming after us. This time he's starting from the branches."

"What do you mean take more hostages?" The Ekaterina branch leader said.

"No we believe he's coming for blood this time. This time he won't be nice." Amy said keeping calm.

"Nothing about last time was nice." One of the Tomas shouted.

Like they knew. Amy suffered a lot from last time.She wanted to say something smart back but it wouldn't change anything. Especially all the deaths.

Amy shrugged and kept on briefing the leaders about the video. Ocassionslly she looked down at her phone like Vesper One would text her.

After the conference Amy layed back in the chair. She still wasn't used to controlling a bunch of adults at 16.

"We are more than merely Lucian, Janus, Ekaterina, Tomas, and Madrigal. We are Cahills , and are under attack." Myinctire said

Amy cut the connection.

She signed tremulously." Well, I did my best. I don't know if any or them believed me."

Myinctire placed a gently hand on her slender shoulder. " You did wonderfully well, my dear. You cannot expect to erase five hundred years of mistrust and animosity in a ten minute conversation. I don't think anyone could have done better- and I include your grandmother in that"

A tear streamed down her face as she thought about him. The way how he built her confidence , and supported her.

Now it was Amy's time to avenge his death and all the others Cahills the Vespers killed.

Taken from Medusa Plot, Peter lerangis.
Kind of late and not Tuesday. But it's Tuesday somewhere. Sorry for the short chapter kind of needed to put the story on track for.. Oh I can't spoil anything. Hope you enjoyed this.


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