12. Let's talk

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Vesper One sat his desk and typed on his computer. He was planning his next big move on the Cahill. In front of  him was an cork board full of pictures of all the Cahills.

  "Vesper One,  She's here." Vesper four said as he opened the door.

  " Pain killer is it?" Vesper One asked as he closed down his files.

  Molly walked into the center of the room. She wore all black clothes with a hood over her head.  In her right pocket was a gun holster.

  " You think changing your name to Molly, and I wouldn't be able to recognize you." Vesper One said as he stood on his feet. " So tell me about Dan. Last time you dated it was a person of the same sex."

"It's just different with him." Molly argued her face starting to blush.

"Whoa, no need to get all sappy with me." Vesper one said as he crossed his hands on his desk.

Molly rolled her eyes, and sat on the corner of the desk.

"How the hell did you get that number?" She asked

"We're family Molly, and should stay in touch. In this world family is all we got." Vesper one beckoned. He held out his hand towards her.

" So your still wrapped up in this fantasy of being Vesper One. You saw how this ended for the last Vesper One." Molly said as she examined the room.

  To her right was another door with a hand, and retina scanner. She started heading towards it.

" So Molly, I've been watching your work. I was wondering if you wanted to continue to work with the best." Vesper One suggested.

" I don't kill anymore. It's just not interesting like it used to be." Molly said

"You're going soft Molly and I want you back here helping me again.' Vesper One said as he touched her shoulder.

She winced on contact and turned to look at him in the eye.

"  If you don't help me, I promise  you won't have you're little boyfriend for long." Vesper One threatened.

Molly rolled her eyes and ignored the threat.

The blonde girl wore an orange jump suit.

"Get in the car bitch." Vesper five yelled as pushed hard on the gas.

  Sitting in the car and looked to her right was a her twin. Casper Wyoming.

"Nice to see you sis." He said as a smile grew on his face.

Amy stared at the screen her mouth hanging wide open. On the screen was the raide of the ekaterina branch.

Bodies littered the floor pools of blood payed next to them.

"Amy, what are we going to do?" Dan asked as he entered the room.

Amy couldn't help but stare at the horror on the screen. She tried to think of solutions but nothing came to mind.

" I honestly don't know Dan." She said her voice cracking a bit.

" We can't just let him do this to those people. What if Ted was visiting or Sinead?" Dan asked his voice raising an octave.

Amy turned around looking at him not looking at the screen for the first time.

"I know Dan. I've watched this video over and over looking for a solution finding just one slip up leading is to them. "

"Amy, there's a call from Ted Starling. He says its urgent." Ian said looking at her with concern.

Amy looked at Dan opening her mouth and closing it unsure of what to say next.

It's about to be New Years. And I haven't really done updating like I want or at all. So enjoy my small and random chapter spam.


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