16. Be Alright

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Dedicated to all those who loved ones died from gun violence.

" The late Phoenix Wizard was found dead on the piano by his mother. Police assume it was a break in but are still investigating. Family members have swarmed to the Wizard residence soon after. Although, we've not seen Jonah Wizard." Cathy stated looking directly at the camera. " I'm just getting word that Jonah Wizard was checked into Attleboro hospital late last night due to a gun wound."

"My heart truly does go out to the family at this time. This such a tragic time for the Wizard Family and I hope Jonah does pull through this." Chad said stacking up his papers.

" I honestly, can't believe anyone would do this to Phoenix Wizard. His career was just starting to take off with his tour next week in California. The vigil for the late Phoenix Wizard will be held in Attleboro this Friday at 8pm location is not set." Cathy said

Molly turned off the tv. Her body was shaking with fact Phoenix Wizard died at her hand. She vividly remembered him pleading with her to live and his blood running down her hand. The thought of killing Dan's family member frightened her. How much longer until you turn on Dan? How much longer until you kill everyone you love? How much longer until you embrace your Vesper heritage?

All these thoughts flowed through her head. She didn't know how to stop her brain from calculating the outcomes of the future.

Molly put on her black heels and started out the door. She was about to go comfort boyfriend in his time of need.
" That sick bastard filmed my baby cousin death."Jonah screamed tears coming down his face. " How could I let this happen?"

Hamilton tried to walk over to Jonah. Secretly Hamilton did not know what to say to comfort his friend. Beep Beep! Hamilton quickly answered he phone.

" Hello." Hamilton said into the phone. "Jonah its Amy calling for you."

"Amy." Jonah called.

' I heard from Dan about Phoenix." She said quietly.

"They killed him." Jonah said his voice cracking. " Amy, they brutally murdered my baby cousin."

"Jonah, I know it's hard right now dealing with the guilt. Phoenix loved you and he wouldn't want you blaming yourself."

" Amy, I don't think I can do this anymore."

" Jonah, I know you can do this. I had the same thing a few months ago. I thought things would never be okay since I let Evan die.  It felt like I pulled the trigger and killed him in cold blood. Things will be alright." Amy lectured.

Jonah took a breath unsure of what to say. He stared at the wall and starting to think . Jonah struggled to get the bed. His body surged in pain but he didn't care.

"Jonah." Amy called through the phone.

Jonah walked passed Hamilton towards the exit.

" Jonah, where are you going?" Hamilton shouted.
Atticus sat on his bed. He thought of how much he accomplished this past months. Sadly, there was nothing to be proud of. Lately, he's been playing the role of the scared little kid that everyone protects. Atticus felt as though he wasn't the guardian he's suppose to be.
    His phone buzzed. Quickly he fished it out of his pocket and unlocked the phone. A message appeared from vesper as it started singing. The song was familiar to Atticus one of his Vesper One's first message.
You got a friend in me. You got a friend in me. No matter how bad I'll slit your throat but you got a friend in me. Don't worry now little guardian. I'm coming for you soon.

   Atticus sighed and dropped the phone on the bed. He was tired of hearing Vesper One's bluff. Occasionally he would get life threating messages but nothing ever happened. Atticus was tired of being scared and letting  Vesper One get to him.
  "Atticus." A women's voice called.
   He looked around realizing whose voice it was.

" I want you to remember something baby. You can't let others tell you how to live your life. If you do than you're just letting them win." His mom said holding him close in her arms.

Atticus remember the day he came home from school crying. He felt completely alone being the smartest kid there. Atticus loved shouting out the answers and sitting front row. Thinking about  this memory, reminded him of how helpless he felt while being kidnapped by Casper and Cheyenne. In that kidnapping, Atticus saved himself without anyone.
   "Letting him win." Atticus mumbled. He jumped out of bed grabbing his bag.
Jonah stood outside the hall. His head was racing with memories of Phoenix.  Jonah started heading down the hall towards the exist.
   " Jonah, I don't get the point of you rapping in every song. Half the time I can't understand what your saying." Phoenix complained as he played on the piano.

  "Mr.Wizard." a nurse called touching his arm.

Jonah jumped started looking into her direction.

"Mr. Wizard, I don't think it's best for you to be outside your room in this condition." The nurse tried to smile.
" I just want to wake up." Jonah  complained. " I'm just having a really bad dream."
"There you are." Hamilton shouted grabbing Jonah's arm.
Hamilton sat at the table with Mathew. He felt bad about leaving Jonah in his time of need.  Mathew finally got back from a business trip from his college.  Hamilton workouts were never the same without him.

  " How was your trip?" Hamilton asked sticking a forkful of steak in his mouth.

" It was great except you weren't there." Mathew said looking at him in the eye. "Ham, when are you going back to college?"

" I didn't plan on going back. I wanted to go off to the military or hang out with my homies." Hamilton replied not meeting his eye.

Was Jonah the only thing holding him back? Why hadn't he decided a plan for his life sooner? Why did he still plan to go off the miliatary? 

"Ham, I see how you get around computers;I dont think you should let that talent slip away." Mathew insisted. He reached inside his bag pulling out a online college pamphlet.

Hamilton looked down reading the pamphlet about it credit hours.

"Enroll online to our college for flexible hours." The cardinal mascot said on the pamplet.

"I'll think about it. You know I'm not good with writing papers." Hamilton said his face blushing a bit.

Mathew put his hand on Ham's.

"I'll help you." He promised


A few days later .....
  " Is all the preparation ready for the funeral?" Vesper asked
  Vesper One prepared for the funeral. He made sure to comb his hair.  Throwing on suits and ear piece. Today was the day to finally see the Cahill's.
I would like to dedicate this chapter to all those who died of gun violence. This was a tough chapter to write due to all the recent events. My condolence goes  to the families of the victims.

I was kind of excited to write this chapter.  This chapter is  actually the Cahill's  breaking point. I can't wait for you guys to see how they overcome this. I've officially finished mission Atomic. I don't know how I feel about this one.  Its kind of a cheesy ending. I probably going to do one shots of few parts from mission Atomic.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


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