Chapter seven: Echoes of Dread and Dancing with Death

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As Ludachel observed the flickering stars above, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air, masked by the casual chatter of his companions. The cool night breeze carried whispers of danger, a silent warning that made Ludachel's senses unknowingly tingle with alertness.

"Jax, have you seen Rin anywhere yet? It's not safe for her to be alone, especially when upset. She's the reason we're here, after all," Brain's voice wavered slightly, his concern evident despite the haze of alcohol clouding his thoughts.

Jax's response carried a veneer of confidence, masking an underlying uncertainty as he crosses his arms against his chest. "Rin can handle herself. She chose to be difficult, and she can deal with the consequences. I'm sure she's just sulking nearby," his words held a hint of bravado that faltered at the edges.

Ludachel, his gaze still fixed on the stars, interjected with a quiet but firm tone, "Brain is right, Jax. If you came with her, it's best not to let her wander alone. The night can be dangerous out here, as well as it's people."

With a nod of understanding, Jax stood up from the addicting warmth that emitted from his seat beside Ludachel, "Okay fine, but don't let this one leave, Brain. I have a feeling he might slip away into the night like some fucking ghost ninja." Jax laughs, clearly intoxicated but still shows resolve in his steps as he makes his way towards the other side of the fire in search of Rin, leaving Ludachel and Brain in the flickering shadows cast by the firelight.

Slightly smiling at his words, Ludachel allowed himself to relax, his mind drifting back to the unsettling dream that haunted him earlier, a sudden shift in the atmosphere sent a ripple of alertness through him. A familiar, putrid odour drifted towards them, triggering Ludachel's instincts to spring into action.

"Deathtem!" Ludachel's voice cut through the night, urgency lacing his tone as he swiftly pulled Brain to his feet, his movements quick with practiced efficiency.

In a blur of motion, a mutant creature lunged towards them, a grotesque form with three heads and an aura of malevolence. Ludachel's training kicked in, a fluid dance of combat as he deftly evaded the creature's attack, his hidden blade gleaming in the firelight.

With precision and calm resolve, Ludachel maneuvered under the Deathtem, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision as he struck a lethal blow, incapacitating the creature mid-flight. The Deathtem crumpled to the ground, a grotesque sight as its blood mingled with the dust beneath their feet.
Brain's initial shock at the sudden attack had frozen him in place, his eyes wide and uncomprehending. As Ludachel swiftly made sure he had dispatched the Deathtem amongst the screaming of others, that surrounded them as the reality of the danger they were facing crashed down on Brain like a hammer, shattering his alcohol-induced haze.

Panic seized Brain as he staggered back, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he stared at the bloodied, lifeless creature before him. "What... What was that? Was that a Deathtem!? What just happened?" His voice trembled with fear and disbelief, his hands shaking uncontrollably at his sides.

Seeing Brain's distress, Ludachel quickly moved toward him, gripping his shoulders firmly to steady him. "Brain, listen to me. We don't have time for this. You need to get moving, now. More of these creatures could be lurking nearby," Ludachel's voice was urgent, pushing Brain to focus despite the chaos unfolding around them.

With a deep breath, Ludachel's gaze locked onto Brain's, willing him to centre himself amidst the chaos. "I need you to pull yourself together. We are in danger, and your friends may be as well. We have a responsibility to ensure their safety. Can you do that, Brain?"

His words cut through the haze of panic, injecting a sense of purpose into Brain's disoriented mind.

Slowly, Brain nodded, determination sparking in his eyes as he steeled himself for what lay ahead. "I... I can do this. Let's find them. Let's get back to the city," he replied, completely forgetting about the plan he made with his friends, but despite that fact his voice was steadier now, a newfound resolve firming his stance.

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