Chapter nine: A Clash of Arrogance

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Eve found herself at a crossroads, a moment of hesitation that led the teenagers into her humble mechanical shop. It was a decision born of a nagging sense of connection to the troubled pair seated at her and Ludachel's dining table.

Questions hung heavy in the air, lingering like a shroud over the room. The thought of erasing their memories and casting a tracking spell crossed her mind, but an inexplicable urge stayed her hand, compelling her to uncover the truth behind their association with Ludachel.

As Eve observed the expressions of anguish on their faces, a surge of haste welled within her. Something significant had unfolded last night, leaving a trail of unanswered questions in its wake. Ludachel, her entrusted charge, was missing, and these adolescents seemed to hold a key to unravelling the mystery.

Resolute in her quest for knowledge, Eve's gaze flickered between the two young strangers, her eyes betraying a her suspicion.

Unspoken words lingered on the tip of her tongue, as she leaned forward in her chair, yearning to break free and unravel the enigma.

The weight of responsibility bore down on her, a reminder of the sacred duty she bore as the silent guardian of Ludachel, the chosen deity of death.

"Who are you people and how do you know my son!"

Eve's piercing gaze bore into Brain, demanding answers that he found himself unable to provide. The weight of guilt and remorse pressed down heavily on him, choking his words and leaving him at a loss. He averted his gaze, unable to meet her scrutiny, feeling the burden of his abandonment of Ludachel weigh heavily on his conscience.

Unexpectedly, it was Rin who found her voice amidst the tension, her words trembling but resolute as she sought to explain their brief encounter with Ludachel.

"We don't really know him, we had just happened to meet him last night because of our... our best friend J-Jax. He invited Ludachel to a party outside gate 12, and Ludachel showed up."

The memory of Jax's tragic fate and Ludachel's sudden transformation hung heavily in the air as she recounted the events of the previous night.

Rin's voice quivered with emotion as she described the chaos that unfolded at the party outside gate 12, the emergence of Ludachel's mysterious powers, and the subsequent onslaught of Deathtems and her suspicions of the city's purposeful slaughter.

Rin continued, her voice laden with emotion wiping her makeup smudged face, "After Jax was killed by a Deathtem, Ludachel did something, it's like he transformed, emitting an acid-eating blue mist that eradicated the Deathtems attacking everyone. It was when Ludachel fainted, soldiers arrived, reopening the city gates and started shooting and capturing survivors."

As Rin's account unfolded, Eve's expression remained inscrutable, her features set in a mask of restrained intensity. The revelation of Ludachel's unlocking of his abilities and his pivotal role in the night's events seemed to stir something deep within her, a glimmer of recognition clouded by shadow.

Silence descended upon the room as Rin's narrative came to a close, the weight of unspoken truths hanging heavy in the air. Eve's darkened gaze held a blend of concern, suspicion, and something unreadable that flickered in the depths of her green eyes.

Eve, her tone measured but tinged with urgency, "This is no ordinary turn of events. Ludachel's powers are awakening sooner than anticipated, and his actions bear grave consequences to the cosmos. It now begs the question, mortals, where is he now?!"

"Mortals?" Rin questions as she raises her eyebrows before Brain interjects.

He takes a deep shuddering breath, Leaning his head in his hands as he whispers the guilty truth, "I'm so sorry, we... We left him behind.

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