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If any of you all forgotten by now, 'Eleven Diaries' was posted in KILLSHOT's official YouTube channel when Leehye debuted as a solo artist in the girl group with 'LOVE SCARS.' so here it is!

Also im sorry if some timelines are messed up cuz i have no idea what i'm doing.

'ELEVEN DIARIES' Episode 1: Coachella Headline

[Eleven] Hey guys! Welcome to the first episode of 'Eleven Diaries.' Today I'm going to be doing a mini interview to celebrate my debut as a solo artist in KILLSHOT. And the interviewer is none other than, put your hands in the air, it's Park Nora!!! 

[Nora] Thank you! thank you! How do you feel to be here Eleven?

[Eleven] I feel, excited. and at home too cuz well, my member is here! speaking of, how are you feeling unnie?

[Nora] it feels weird to be interviewing my own member

[Eleven] i don't get it. 

[Nora] not my problem. let's begin with the interview! 

[Eleven] alright, shoot the questions

[Nora] so, first off, introduce yourself to BULLETs (the fandom name) 

[Eleven] Hello all! I am Kim Leehye, also known as Eleven and i am a member of the girl group under HYBE, KILLSHOT. i'm doing this interview to celebrate the success of my solo debut with the song 'LOVE SCARS'

[Nora] well, speaking of success, 'LOVE SCARS' has broken several records.

[Eleven] really? 

[Nora] yes. it charted number 1 on the billboard hot 100 and the UK singles chart, and charted number 1 on the Canadian Hot 100, and has the record of fastest music video to reach 100 million views in just 2 days.

[Eleven] wait, 2 days?!

[Nora] yes, 2 days. do i have to repeat it in japanese?

[Eleven] yes please.

[Nora] no. anyways, how do you feel about it?

[Eleven] i didn't know until now, so thanks for informing me. and i feel, happy. like as if all my hard work has finally paid off in the end and it's all thanks to our loving fans.

[Nora] i see, i see. so no thanks to your members?

[Eleven] i mean, it's not like that--

[Nora] are you not grateful after all that we did for you? 

[Eleven] yes i am but--

[Nora] unbelievable.

[Eleven] let's just move on.

[Nora] hey, i'm the interviewer, I say when we move on. 

[Eleven] well, i'm waiting

[Nora] okay we're moving on. so with LOVE SCARS you have performed at 13 award shows and won in 8 of them, am I correct?

[Eleven] i don't know, i don't keep track of those stuff. you're the interviewer, you should have the information ready with you. 

[Nora] it was a rhetoric question for your information. 

[Eleven] yeah sure

[Nora] moving on, your album 'The Panic Room' has sold 230 million copies within a week of it's release. would you mind sharing some moments behind the scenes during the recording and writing of the song?

[Eleven] yes. it was a lot of hard work, believe me. The Panic Room consisted of nine songs, all of which I took the time to arrange, compose, produce, and to write the lyrics. it took me almost a year to finish writing all the songs alone, and the recording... is another hell. 

[Nora] i understand. how was the recording of the songs?

[Eleven] as you know, i am a perfectionist, which means even if i get the smallest of smallest mistakes wrong, even if the audience can't notice, i would redo the whole recording once more. and rehearsal takes a lot of time. plus choreographing the dances, and practicing. it is torture. but the torture paid off.

[Nora] what role did your amazing members play in this?

[Eleven] is that even the question you were supposed to ask?

[Nora] no. yes. whatever, now answer it

[Eleven] well they were the first ones to listen to my songs and they gave me feedback, mostly it was on areas where i should improve. some of them were harsh but i was open to constructive criticism. the small small improvements in the tone, pitch, beats or the background music and the feedback from the members made the songs a hundred times better. some people like Soonli and Sori would regularly visit me during practice hours in the dance room and help in adjusting the choreographies. so special thanks to my members for making this possible.

[Nora] i see. well, that's the end of the interview. but i do have a special surprise waiting for you.

[Eleven] what is it?

[Nora] it's your dream. now close your eyes

-Nora guided Eleven to the living room of their dorm. 

[Nora] open your eyes.

-It was pitch black.

[Eleven] what is this Nora?

-no response.

[Eleven] Nora?

-suddenly a loud noise, a bright light lit up the room as all her members were blowing party horns and shooting confetti. 

[Eleven] what's all this for?

[Nora] look at the poster

-it had been a poster on the wall, printed. it was the coachella lineup for 2019. she looked at the dates and the artist, and suddenly, eleven's face grew brighter.

[Eleven] we're... going to coachella?

[Nora] yes, but we're not headlining it. yet.

-and sure enough, KILLSHOT's name was written in bold next to the dates, signalling that they're going to Coachella. Eleven's name was categorised for another day, which meant she was going to perform her album at Coachella

-loud cheers erupted from the room as everyone hugged everyone.


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