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You felt like shit.

Utter shit.

Your back was sore from sleeping on the hard ground for the past 3 days and it didn't help that you were all crammed into one room with the summer heat.

Though as you were sleeping next to todoroki, his quirk was able to radiate some coolness for you. You even joked that he was your little AC.

After bakugou had managed to break out of shiozakis little trap, he had returned the next morning with his group on the hunt for you, and you couldn't help but laugh at the fact that they were not successful enough to find you.

You had other groups like kaminari and seros stumble into yours, but todoroki only created a big ice shield whenever they tried to attack, preventing your points from becoming stolen.

As it was the final day, you had hoped that you were still the group on top with the most points.

Each robot was worth 500, and with the current total of 29,000, you hoped that it was enough to be atleast within the top 3.

After todoroki and shiozaki had gone food searching yesterday, it was now down to you and Kendo to hunt for more groups and hopefully take some of their points.

You and todoroki had decided both that as long as your whole group were to cross the finish line in the set time, you would be allowed to pass.

You knew that some groups were missing members, so you both felt that you had an advantage as their focus would be on rescuing their teammates in order to qualify for the 'prize'.

Walking through a darker side of the forest, you knew that you and the ginger girl had an hour for the group to leave the forest.

As long as your whole team could make it back, you were awarded the prize, and that was the only thing on your mind. Making it back.

Yet something felt off. You knew that everyone was on edge, and the awkward silence between you and the girl didn't help either. Over the past few days, you had grown to somewhat tolerate kendo and wouldn't even mind being friends with her after, with some reluctance here and there.

"I think we should mind our steps. Those dead trunks will probably be in our way."

Agreeing with her, you both climbed the bark. You watched back and instinctively grabbed her as she slipped on the mossy surface and pulled her up with a smile. You allowed her to walk in front of you and watched as she happily took the lead.

Heading towards the end of the track, you felt that same sense of 'offness' for some reason.

Not like the lighting or anything had changed, but the trees and the grass just seemed too irregular. Advancing forward, it immediately turned into a sprint when you heard the rustle and loud echo of voices behind you.

Snowflower • k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now