Chapter 5: The Fearful

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It had been a short and particularly stressful night for Purple Sparks. Being in a dorm far from home would have been unsettling enough, but with what had happened the night before, she had barely managed to get some sleep. After the first day of training, all the students were in the cafeteria. Many of them, who had spoken to each other for the first time during training, seemed to have already formed friendships. But not Purple. The fact that she had to train on her own meant that she still didn't know anypony, or almost nopony.

On a table surrounded by the group's pegasus, Phase seemed to be having fun with his comrades. Laughter and lively exchanges echoed around him, as he captivated everyone's attention. The rumors and attention to his changeling nature had completely subsided; Everyone was chatting and laughing with him. But not Purple Sparks. She felt like an outsider in this warm and noisy environment.

As she sat alone at a table in a remote corner of the canteen, a sense of loneliness came over Purple more and more. She watched the other students laugh, talk, and bond, feeling increasingly isolated and alienated. It was as if she had no place among them, as if she was destined to remain on the margins, always alone.

Phase, turning his head, saw her friend alone at her table, despair in her eyes. He immediately felt a twinge of sadness when he saw Purple isolated like this. Without hesitation, he rose from his seat and apologized to his comrades. "Excuse me, folks, but this is Purple," he announced, grabbing his tray and walking to the lonely table.

"Hey, Purple, are you okay?" he said as he set his tray down next to her. Purple looked up, surprised to see him coming towards her. She smiled shyly, grateful for the unexpected attention. "Didn't it go well in training?" he asked, noticing her discomfort. Purple didn't answer right away, letting out a sigh before finally expressing what was bothering her.

Phase, sipping his glass of water, looked at Purple with a mysterious expression. "You know, some people say you were really impressive in training. There's even rumor that you could compete with Dash herself. »

Purple, surprised, frowned. "But how could anyone say that? I thought I had flown alone." Phase gave her a knowing look. "Oh, you know, rumors are going strong here. But this one is different. It was the sergeant who started it. He watched you discreetly during your training, and he was really impressed."

Purple felt a mixture of emotions. On the one hand, she was surprised that someone had seen her flying. On the other hand, the idea that this person was impressed by her skills filled her with a sense of pride and satisfaction. "Wow," she whispered, incredulous. "I never imagined someone was watching me." Phase gave her an encouraging smile. "Well, now you know. And who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a great recognition for you here. »

At the shrill sound of the alarm clock, Purple got out of bed and mechanically put on her uniform. The night had been short and restless, her thoughts swirling in her mind like a swarm of angry bees. She then joined Phase, who waved his hoof at her in the distance. The two friends exchanged a silent bow, but Purple's worried expression betrayed her lack of sleep.

As they waited for Rainbow Dash to arrive, a group of pegasus flew over the area, chatting animatedly as they hovered. Their attention suddenly turned to Purple Sparks, as if her arrival had sparked a sudden interest.

The group landed in front of her, and one of the pegasus spoke provocatively, "Hey, is that you Purple Sparks? They say you're better than Rainbow Dash. I ask to see that." Their words were marked by obvious skepticism, as if they was waiting for a demonstration to confirm the rumors.

Purple Sparks suddenly felt overwhelmed by a wave of painful memories. The pegasus' words awakened emotions in her that she thought she had buried. The incident at Cloudsdale's flying school, when she was still a young filly, resurfaced in her mind with unsettling clarity. She relived every moment of that day, every mockery, every burst of laughter.

The atmosphere around her seemed to freeze, and she felt like she was once again the target of her comrades' mocking glances. The pegasus who spoke to her seemed to be waiting for a performance from her, as if she was about to repeat that same humiliating fall.

Her heartbeat echoed in her ears, and she struggled to keep her composure. She remembered the comforting words of her brother, Destin, assuring her that she was able to overcome her fears. But despite her efforts to reassure herself, fear and anxiety overwhelmed her.

Still, she forced herself to breathe deeply, refusing to panic. She looked away, avoiding the inquisitive eyes of the other pegasus. The pegasus, insatiable in their curiosity, stared at Purple Sparks insistently, impatiently waiting to finally see their comrade fly. The young pegasus felt the weight of their gaze weighing on her, and she didn't know where to look. Trembling with fear, she felt every beat of her heart like a drum echoing in her chest.

Phase froze, watching with growing concern the scene unfold before his eyes. Like the other pegasus, he was eager to see his comrade fly, but he was also aware of the pressure on her. As Purple Sparks tried to silence the rumors by taking flight, Phase held his breath, hoping she succeeded. However, his heart sank as he saw Purple's wings flapping with difficulty, before freezing completely, leaving the young pony to fall violently to the ground.

Phase rushed to where Purple had fallen, arriving just in time to cushion her fall and prevent her from hurting herself further. Meanwhile, the other pegasus, unaware of the gravity of the situation, sneered at each other, thinking that Purple was playing a bad joke. But when the young pony's disappointed look met theirs, one of them dared to speak contemptuously: "So you're just a fearful, aren't you?"

Rainbow Dash arrived at that moment, her authoritative expression immediately attracting the attention of all the pegasus present. Her scrutinizing gaze swept over the scene, immediately noticing the commotion and palpable tension among the students. "What's going on here?" she asked firmly, staring at the pegasus with an intensity that left little room for ambiguity.

"Nothing, Captain," the pegasus replied in unison, quickly lining up under Rainbow Dash's scrutinizing gaze. Even Purple and Phase, who had risen to their hooves, joined the movement, trying to hide any trace of what had just happened. "Today, Sergeant Bellhopper is going to teach you," she announced, pointing with her hoof to one of the sergeants who accompanied her. Then, firmly, she added, "Ten laps. Purple Sparks, you come with me!"

Like the day before, the pegasus took flight and Purple and Dash walked to the second flyway. "This time, I'm going to spend the day with you," Rainbow Dash announced, pulling her flight uniform out of a bag she had brought. "I'll change, in the meantime, warm up," she ordered.

Purple complied, stretching without lifting her hooves off the ground. Rumors about her and the fact that she was being watched were grounding her. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash returned dressed in the official Wonderbolts uniform. This was the legendary outfit that Rainbow Dash wore every time Purple Sparks saw her in her shows.

Purple, hesitant at first, nodded slowly. She felt overwhelmed by a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Yet, as Dash offered her advice and encouragement, Purple began to regain confidence in her abilities.

Once ready, they took off, their wings flapping in harmony. Dash led the way, but Purple followed closely, striving to replicate her every move with precision. Little by little, she let herself be carried away by the rhythm of synchronized flight.

In the air, the two pegasus seemed to merge into a single entity, their movements complementing each other perfectly. Purple's initial tension gradually dissipated, replaced by a sense of euphoria. She felt free, confident, and closer than ever to achieving her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt.

As the acrobatics progressed, Dash and Purple became more and more synchronized, their movements becoming almost instinctive. The harmony between them was palpable.

Finally, after a series of mind-blowing acrobatics, Dash and Purple landed softly on the flyway, breathless but euphoric. A beaming smile lit up Purple's face, realizing that with a little support and determination, she was able to overcome her fears and fly alongside the greats.

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