Chapter 11: Departure of the Wonderbolts

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The day after her transformation into an alicorn, Purple Sparks woke up with a mixture of excitement and melancholy. Her horn, glistening in the morning sunlight, revealed her new alicorn nature. But with this transformation came the weight of saying goodbye to her Wonderbolt life. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she looked down at her room, soaking up memories of training and sharing moments with her classmates.

Suddenly, the door opened softly, revealing Destin, her brother who had come especially from Rainbow Falls to support her in this important stage of her life. His look of tenderness and understanding reinforced Purple's sense of gratitude and love for him. They hugged each other in a warm embrace, exchanging silent words of comfort.

Destin, moved by the sight of his sister's shining horn, could not repress a spontaneous gesture: he bowed to her. This gesture, almost mechanical, testified to the pride and respect he felt towards his sister, destined to become a princess of Equestria in the near future. Destin's reaction touched Purple deeply. Despite her gratitude to her brother, she felt overwhelmed by a complex mix of emotions.

Destin approached her sister, her eyes filled with pride and respect. "You're going to be a princess, Purple. It's unbelievable. He gently placed his paw on his sister's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you." Yet, behind her bright eyes, Purple felt a hint of sadness. "I know you're happy, Destin, but... Leaving is hard. I'm going to leave everything I've ever dreamed of being." Her words clashed with her heart. "I'm going to be away from my idol, from my dream of becoming a Wonderbolt..." Her thoughts mingled in a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Destin smiled softly at his sister, understanding her mixed feelings. "I know it's hard, Purple. But you know what? You've already proven that you can reach new heights, literally." He gestured to Purple's glittering horn. "You have the courage and determination within you to overcome any challenge, even this one." His words were full of encouragement and support. "And then, who knows? Maybe your new adventure has even more wonders in store for you than you imagine. »

When Purple and Destin came out of the room, Destin insisted on carrying her sister's luggage. Outside, Rainbow Dash was waiting for them, dressed in her ceremonial attire. All the Wonderbolts officers were present, standing at attention. On the other side, the students were lined up in a row, in solemn silence. Rainbow Dash stared at Purple seriously, and Commander Soarin walked up to her, carrying a cushion with a medal.

With firm steps, Rainbow Dash and Soarin approached Purple, then stopped in front of her. Rainbow Dash spoke in a respectful voice. "Cadet Purple Sparks, your courage is exemplary. You have shown us that with determination, we can overcome our fears. Despite your apprehensions and the challenges you faced, you hung in there and fought. You didn't let fear get the better of you, and you even saved someone. »

Rainbow Dash turned to Soarin, then grabbed the medal with her wings. After making a quarter turn in the direction of Purple, she hung the medal on her jacket. "Cadet Purple Sparks, today you receive the Medal of Courage. This makes you, from now on, a Wonderbolt. »

No sooner had Rainbow Dash finished her sentence than a squadron of Wonderbolts appeared in the air. They flew in sync, leaving behind a trail of cloud that drew Purple's face in the sky. Rainbow Dash and Soarin stood at attention, and the entire congregation followed suit with a military salute to Purple who was moved to tears.

Purple wrapped Rainbow Dash in her arms with emotion. "Thank you, Captain. I can't thank you enough." Tears glistened in Rainbow's eyes. "I'm the one who thanks you, my little one. I've learned a lot from you," she replied sincerely.

Phase, in his pegasus guise, approached Purple, his eyes moist. The two friends hugged each other. "I'm going to miss you, princess," Phase whispered, tightening her grip. "You too, my friend," Purple replied, tears streaming down her face.

Purple took a tour of the survey, scanning every face of the Wonderbolts and the Wonderbolts students who had come to say goodbye. She walked up to one of the students and stretched out her wing towards him. "No hard feelings?" she asked. It was the one that caused Phase's accident. "Yes... No hard feelings, princess. I apologize," he replied, looking down. He stretched out his wing, and the two clenched their feathers to seal their friendship.

Purple and Destin made their way to the balloon, followed closely by Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Bellhopper, and the students. Destin loaded the luggage inside while Purple, after placing a hoof on the basket, turned to take one last look at her friends. She lifted her hoof in a gesture of farewell, greeting her companions one last time. Then she boarded the balloon. The pilot, silent in the face of this moving scene, closed the basket and activated the flame. Slowly, the balloon rose into the air. The entire assembly froze in a final military salute, hooves to forehead, as the aircraft flew away into the sky.

Destin tried to lighten the mood by smiling at his sister and shouting happily, "Canterlot, here we come!" Purple, moved by this gesture, stood up and threw herself into her brother's arms for a warm hug, signifying that she was happy despite all that was happening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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