Chapter 7: Carnage

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It was a tough wake-up call for Purple Sparks, but it was the Wonderbolts' recruits' day of rest. They had a choice: attend the Wonderbolts' training session or enjoy their free day. For Purple, the goal was clear: to watch her idols train.

She put on her navy blue sweatshirt, adjusted the cords, and headed for the flyway. As she crossed the threshold of the building, a voice rang out in her head: "Hey, young pegasus, don't go to Wonderbolts training." Surprised, she stopped short, wondering where the voice was coming from.

"Who's there? Who's talking to me?" She asked, scanning the surroundings. No soul in sight. The voice persisted, "Something terrible is going to happen if you go to the training, Purple. It will ruin your fate. Don't go! »

Purple hesitated. Going to the training or listening to that voice she heard in her head. She wanted to know more. Intrigued and a little frightened, Purple decided to dig a little deeper. "Who are you? Why are you telling me that?" She asked aloud.

A blinding light appeared in front of Purple's eyes before going out, revealing a flying creature in front of her. The creature landed, staring at Purple insistently. "My name is Carnage," the creature said, speaking directly into Purple's mind.

Purple's surprise was palpable. She had never met a creature like Carnage before, let alone one that could speak directly into her mind. Despite her apprehension, she felt compelled to ask, "Why do you want to stop me from going to training? What is this danger you're talking about? »

Purple watched Carnage in astonishment. They was made up of several pieces from different creatures. Their ears as well as their frontal horn were those of a Kirin. Their wings belonged to a griffin. Their side horns, belly, teeth, and right hind leg were those of a dragon. Their left hind leg was that of a bear. The right front leg belonged to a zebra, while the left was that of a lizard. Their tail was a mix of a Kirin and a dragon tail.

"You... Are you a draconequus?" Purple exclaimed, surprised to think that there were other draconequus outside of Discord. Carnage lifted their head slowly, their eyes shining with an eerie gleam. "Indeed, I am a unique creation," they replied in a deep, deep voice. "But I'm not just a draconequus. I am much more than that. I am Carnage. But I'm not here to discuss my nature. I'm here to warn you of the danger you face if you go to training."

"So you're like Discord? What are you, his sibling?" Purple asked, puzzled. Carnage got angry, hating to be associated with Discord in any way. "No, I am not his sibling, nor am I in any way related to him," Carnage replied in a stern voice. "Although I am a draconequus, I am very different from him. And I'm here to protect you, not to be compared to this... monster." Their eyes glowed brightly, revealing their determination to dispel any confusion about their identity.

Purple didn't insist, asking Carnage again why she shouldn't attend the training. Carnage replied that they had the power to see into the future, but that the future was not set in stone. They explained that they had the ability to travel through time to alter the past, present, and future. They would have altered something from the past that would have resulted in something terrible for today's training, thus ruining Purple's chances of becoming what she should be in the future.

Carnage looked at Purple seriously. "I know exactly what's going to happen, but I'm not allowed to tell you. However, I'm here to save you from a fate you don't deserve." Their gaze was filled with unwavering conviction as they exposed the risks involved.

"So if I go to training," Purple asked, "I wouldn't become a Wonderbolt?" Carnage frowned. "Exactly, yes. You will become a Wonderbolt, ruining your other destiny. »

Purple Sparks at Zephyr HeightsWhere stories live. Discover now