Chapter 10 : A new power

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In the darkness of the night, Purple Sparks sat on a bench outside the academy, a glimmer of nervousness in her eyes. The nighttime wind gently brushed her mane as she gazed at the stars, lost in her thoughts. The prospect of tomorrow's training filled her with anxiety. She couldn't help but wonder if she would live up to Dash's and her comrades' expectations.

Suddenly, a familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts. It was Phase, approaching her with a reassuring smile. "Are you okay, Purple?" he asked softly, sitting beside her. "You know you can count on me, no matter what happens tomorrow." His comforting presence was like a balm for Purple's nerves, and she felt a little more confident in his company.

The next morning, Purple prepared for training with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She joined her comrades on the flyway, where Dash awaited them with her usual confident demeanor. The exercise of the day seemed simple at first glance: clearing the sky by dispersing the clouds. But for Purple, it was a test of coordination and self-confidence.

Dash explained the rules of the exercise with her usual energy. Purple listened attentively, absorbing every word with intense concentration. The pressure mounted as Dash announced the stakes of the exercise: a team would be disqualified if one member strayed more than 10 meters from their teammate. It was the moment of truth for Purple and Phase, and they were ready to tackle the challenge with determination.

The exercise began as soon as the whistle blew, signaling the start of the competition. Each team, consisting of a leader and a wing, soared into the sky, determined to clear the clouds as quickly as possible. Phase, taking on his pegasus form, and Purple flew together, their wings beating in harmony as they made their way through the clouds.

For Purple, the stress was palpable. She felt the eyes of the other cadets weighing on her, which slightly unsettled her. However, she refused to be intimidated, focusing on the task at hand. Despite her anxiety, she managed to keep up with Phase's movements, skillfully dispersing a few clouds.

Meanwhile, Dash, remaining on the ground, motivated the teams with her megaphone, encouraging everyone to give their best. But for Purple, Dash's encouragements were nothing but a distant buzz. Her mind was filled with doubts and apprehension, and she struggled to maintain her focus as she continued to fly alongside Phase.

The co-pilot of one of the teams whispered slyly, "We're not going to let them win, are we?" Their partner nodded in agreement, complicit. They exchanged a mischievous glance before putting their plan into action.

They abruptly veered towards Phase and Purple, making Phase believe they were about to collide head-on. At the last second, they altered their trajectory, creating an unexpected gust of wind. Caught off guard, Phase was thrown off balance, unable to stabilize himself. In a panic, he tumbled through the sky, in free fall.

Focused on her teammate, Purple reacted with instinctive speed. She turned around and dove towards Phase. But as she approached at breakneck speed, she suddenly felt an invisible wall of air looming before her, threatening to push her back.

It was like when she trained with her brother, Destin, like when she attempted the supersonic rainboom. However, instead of backing down, Purple gathered all her strength. In a flash of determination, she concentrated her energy into her wings and propelled herself forward with incredible force. At that moment, the air around her seemed to twist and warp, as if she had created a rift in reality itself.

And then, in an explosion of purple light, she broke through the wall of air with lightning speed. A burst of bright color enveloped her body as she sliced through the air, leaving behind a luminous trail in her wake. It was as if she had unleashed a supersonic rainboom, but of an intense purple hue, dazzling all those fortunate enough to witness this extraordinary spectacle. A purpleboom?

Thus, Purple managed to reach Phase just in time, saving him from his imminent fall. And as Purple carried Phase, both enveloped in the glow of this newly discovered energy, the Wonderbolts Academy resounded with cheers and aplause for their incredible feat.

As Purple gently set Phase down on the ground, Rainbow Dash approached them, her eyes shining with admiration. She watched the fading trail of purple light in the sky and raised a hoof towards Purple with a radiant smile. "She did it. Carnage was right, she did it! She performed the rainboom!"

It was a moment of triumph, a shining proof of Purple Sparks' exceptional potential and her ability to overcome the most daunting obstacles. Pride was evident on Dash's face as she contemplated her student's achievement, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes for the young pegasus's promising future.

The initial dazzle was followed by a wave of panic as Purple felt herself being lifted into the air, a halo of light enveloping her, her vision obscured by the brilliant brightness. A series of questions swirled in her mind, but they were all drowned out by the fear of the unknown. She instinctively struggled, her hooves beating the air in a desperate attempt to free herself from the grip of the light. Every second seemed like an eternity, every movement becoming a battle against what seemed to be an invisible force.

Then, as quickly as she had been lifted, the light began to fade, leaving behind a soft glow that gently illuminated the scene. Purple's terror turned to confusion as she found herself slowly returned to the ground. Her breathing was rapid and uneven, her muscles tense with effort and fear. Once grounded, she remained still, trying to regain her senses in this uncertain new environment.

When the light finally dissipated completely, Purple realized that she was back on the flyway, but something had changed. A strange sensation enveloped her forehead, as if something were attached there. Trembling, she raised a hoof to touch her head, and her heart skipped a beat as it encountered a hard, smooth protrusion. A horn. A real horn, rising majestically from her forehead, faintly sparkling in the ambient light.

It was as if her world had crumbled around her, replaced by a new landscape of mystery and magic. Fear and uncertainty danced in her eyes as she watched this transformation with a mixture of wonder and dread. Who had she become? What did this sudden metamorphosis mean for her future? Questions crowded her mind, swirling in a whirlwind of confusion and apprehension.

The dazzling transformation of Purple Sparks into an Alicorn shook the entire scene. Awe-struck gazes turned towards her, captivated by her new majestic form. Rainbow Dash, initially surprised and then awestruck, couldn't contain her admiration. She approached Purple and bowed respectfully, recognizing in her the birth of a new princess of Equestria. Her gesture was quickly followed by all the ponies present, who bowed before the new Alicorn, thus showing their respect and acknowledgment.

For Purple Sparks, this collective reverence was both disconcerting and gratifying. She felt overwhelmed by a wave of conflicting emotions: astonishment, humility, and a hint of fear in the face of this new destiny that lay before her. The weight of this new identity seemed to press heavily on her shoulders, even as she tried to grasp the profound significance of this metamorphosis.

In a mixture of astonishment and apprehension, she remained frozen in place, unable to find the words to express what she was feeling. This sudden recognition of her royalty plunged her into a state of stupor as she slowly became aware of the extraordinary path now unfolding before her.

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