Chapter 3

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"That night I cried inconsolably and alone... 

I didn't want to go back to the casino, I wanted to leave Seoul and abandon the case...

It was already too distressing for me to live in a place that brought back such painful memories, but that ghost was too much for my heart...

And I started to think "what if Agust D is Suga?"... But I refused to accept the idea that Suga would do that to me... 

He wouldn't abandon me, Suga loved me! It was 10 years... I couldn't take it! He couldn't take it...

A thousand questions began to pop up in my mind and I answered them all in the same way... "Suga's dead, I know he's dead..."

So in the morning I called investigator Kyung... I wanted to know more about Min Yoongi's death..."

JM - Soon? Good morning...

KS - Park? Is that you? Your voice is terrible...

Jimin was tired after crying all night...

JM - I'm not feeling very well... but tell me something... What do you know about the death of Min Yoongi... Yuna's boyfriend?

KS - Nothing apart from him being completely charred in the fire, there was almost nothing left of the poor guy... the building had been closed for a long time, so the police didn't know there might be someone inside until they went to clean up the mess... 

JM - And how did they know it was him?

KS - They found an iron box inside a cupboard with the boy's documents... but where are you going with this, Jimin?

JM - Can you look into this for me? I need to know if the body they found was Min Yoongi's or if there's any doubt about it...

KS - OK, Jimin... I can even look into it... but I want to know how you're doing with Agust D!

JM - I've had a good outcome... he's come closer, even without allowing me to see his face, Agust D has exchanged a few words with me... I think we'll soon be having long conversations...

KS - Ah! That's great! Keep it up and soon he'll be drunk by your side telling you the sad story of his miserable life... 

Suddenly Jimin senses a little bitterness in the investigator's voice...

JM - Why do you want to catch Agust D so badly?

KS - Because he's taking advantage of something that doesn't belong to him... and if my investigations are right, Agust D is also responsible for killing Yuna and her mother, as well as burning down half the city on the night of Yu Bi's death... 

JM - Okay! You're right... he is the villain... but will you take a closer look at Min Yoongi, please?...

KS - Okay... 

"I didn't want to, but I went back to the Casino for my next performance, and as I opened the dressing room door, Jade ran up to me with my jacket in her hands..."

JD - Kitty, Kitty, Kitty! You naughty boy! You didn't tell me anything!

Jimin pulled the jacket out of her hands and started laughing...

JM - What? Nothing happened!

JD - Hmm... I don't know... what else could have happened for you to forget your jacket in the boss's office? Tell me, did you have sex?

JM - No! Stop saying things like that... or the others will hear and think it's true...

JD - Kitty, everyone already thinks that...

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