Chapter 2 - "So I'm a bully!"

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Lu Xichen opened his eyes slowly to see a person in front of him his vision was kind of blurry so he couldn't properly trace out the person, he tried to stand up but immediately felt a wave of pain in his head.

" Don't move! I just did your bandages!" the person said, it was the voice of a girl! He vision slowly became clearer and he saw who was sitting in front of him.

It was a girl of about 17-18 years looking at him with worry in her eyes. "Who are you?" He asked

The girl looked shocked at first and suddenly started tearing up " it's me Ling Lan! How can you forget me! It's your girlfriend Xiao Wan" She said tearfully.

What the fuck!!!

He just woke up and suddenly had a girlfriend! Could someone tell him what was going on!

"Or is it because of hua Meimei?" The girl tone of speaking suddenly changed " I knew that bitch was up to no good the day she shyly came to give you that mineral water on sports day" She said as she stared at him.

"She'll be fooling everyone with her white lotus appearance but not me!" She continued aggressively.

He was about to retort but suddenly felt a powerful migraine in his head as he saw flashes of memories.. "Can you just shut up for one second!" he said annoyed as he grunted and held his head in his hands.

That was when the girl yapping on suddenly quietened down and saw something was wrong with him "Xiao Chen! Do you feel pain again? Let me go call the physician!" She said as she immediately ran out of the office to look for the physician that just stepped out some minutes ago.

"So I'm a bully" He said slowly in a voice only he could hear, he laughed and rested his head on the head rest of the Infirmary bed as he waited for the pain to subsided, once it did he stood slowly and walked out of the Infirmary.

He was going to skip school today after all he was a bully and he was injured! He walked all the to the gates of the school, climbed it and walked the long distance to his house.

Lu Xichen stood in front of the dilapidated small building in front of him as he slowly walked in and made his way to the 7th floor. He stopped in front of a door which had 626 written on it based on the former soul's memories, he took out his keys, opened the door and walked inside while lying on the couch as he tested his hands on his face.

He didn't know when he slept off as he suddenly heard the doorbell outside ring, he stood up and went to open the door only to be shock to stand motionlessly on his porch!

The woman in front of him was a fair skinned lady, he had wavy hair which was tied into a bun messily, was average in height, really pretty and had a small face. If not for the wrinkles on her face one wouldn't know she was in her late thirties.

"Baby Chen what happened to you!" She asked worriedly as she dropped the foodstuffs in her hand and raised her hand to touch the bandage on his head..

She raised her hand slowly..and he knew why.

The former soul of this body treated his mom harshly, yelling at her and ignoring her because of the issues going on in the house with his aggressive father, she never divorced him even after he'd come back from work drunk and beat the hell out of both of them.

And he always wondered why? The former soul was too blind to realize but after going through all the memories he finally understood. She stayed because of him.. because she wasn't sure whether she could raise him alone and his father was bringing in money taking care of him.

She had her own shop were she sells food but it might not be enough to take care of him. So even though it pained her as she watched that man beat her and her son up she still persisted for him..

His eyes turned red as he hugged his mother tightly and cried in her arms like a little kid. "What's wrong baby Chen?" She asked, she was shocked he took the initiative to hug her but she was happy...she had never been this happy in a long time.

This woman had the exact same face as his
mom, she smelled the same way and called him the same way ' Baby Chen'. She didn't die in a car accident just like she did in her past life.. she was alright and alive in front of him. He promised himself that he would treat her well and take care of her properly this time.. Lu Xichen secretly made an oath.

"Nothing's wrong mom" he said as he helped her pick up the food stuff. She looked at her son and wanted to cry but held herself back, she had to be strong for her baby!!

"That's good to hear! Come inside, today has been a long day right? Come inside let mom cook your favorite dishes!" She said cheerfully trying to liven up the mood.

" Mm" he answered back as they both walked inside and closed the door.

Awwn!! What a tearful reunion!
Author (Mystery Red): See! I've compensated you readers for the injuries he got in the last chapter!
Author Bestie (Pinkie 💖): He finally got to meet his mom!! 🥺🥺🥺🥰

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