Chapter 5 - I got accused of being a thief!

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He finally came to his senses and stared at the lady “ Nice to meet you ma! I'm not a customer" he said embarrassed “ I actually came because I saw the ‘help wanted' poster on the door some days ago and I came today to ask if you still needed help" he continued.

“Ohh..yeah we did need help some days ago but it's all settled now, we found someone"She said politely, she liked the boy's politeness and he was also handsome, she needed more help because these days had been really stressful for her but someone else came to apply not long ago.

“It doesn't really matter if it's a waiter job even a cleaner's job would be nice, I'm really in need of money." Lu Xichen said.

She really saw him as honest and he really looked like he needed the money, well business has been booming these days, it wouldn't hurt to take in another hand and besides she couldn't let someone as cute as him be a cleaner! It was simply not fair to him.

“You know what? How about I let you work here" she said. “What! Thank you ma, I really appreciate it! I promise to clean this place spotless!" Xichen thanked the woman happily.

“Oh no no! You aren't cleaning you're waitering! You are hired as a waiter, you just need to ask your fellow mate to explain the process of selling the desserts and that's all!" She said as she laughed, the boy was really funny and..cute!!

“Really! Thank you soo much! I promise to do this job diligently!" He said as he continued bowing towards her.

“No, don't worry, when would you like to start? You can start now or ask your colleague over there what's to be done so the next time you come, it will be easy for you!" She said as she pointed to a staff in apron that was serving people.

Lu Xichen looked over and saw a very tall dude serving some girls and they kept on blushing, looking up at the guy as he gave them their desserts. Now that Xichen finally looked around, he found out that most of the customers here were young girls and they all kept staring at the guy who was attending to the other girls with blushed faces..

_So they all came here for him!_

They were all middle school and high school girls in the shop and some young adults here!! But majority of them were young! Looks like his co worker was really popular on the facial feature area.. But looks like the guy was unaffected by the number of eyes staring at him as he continued his work.

“Can I start working today?" He asked the pretty auntie nicely..She really was pretty!! With short wavy hair packed into a bun, oval face, medium droopy eyes and full light pink lips.

“Of course! I'm quite busy now as I have to go out to make a delivery so I can't brief you but your co mate there isn't really busy, you can meet him to brief you on everything! Ok?"She said as she removed her apron,folded it and placed it in her bag.

“Sure no problem ma!" He said enthusiastically as he waved goodbye to her as she had already walked out of the shop in a hurry. He followed the guy who had just entered the staff's only room. He looked around and didn't see the guy that just entered.

_wtf! Was he ghost or something? Where did he disappear to?_

But just as he turned back to leave and decide to wait for the guy outside, someone immediately bent his hand behind him and forced him against the wall!!

He was just about to yell when he heard a voice from behind him “Who are you? What are you doing in this staff's only room? Who told you you could just enter here without permission?"

_Which question do you want him to answer first! This person just kept throwing questions at him! He couldn't catch up!_

But just as Lu Xichen was about to explain himself, the person suddenly said “Are you a thief? You must be! Since you had the audacity to come in here, you must probably be here to steal something!"

“What!" Lu Xichen suddenly yelled loudly, how did this person jump into such conclusions! He was here for a job not to rob the place!!

Never in his life had he been called a thief before! He was a self righteous and patriotic citizen who only fought the bad and helped the good! Yet this lunatic suddenly attacked him! barraged him with a lot of questions and finally summed it up by jumping to conclusions and calling him a thief!!!


“HEY! Get the f*ck of me right now! While-I'm-Still-Being-Polite!!" Lu Xichen yelled angrily!!!

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