🩷Sylveon x Vaporeon💙

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Hey! Today's ship is...

Sylveon x Vaporeon!!!
This was requested by Cheesewheel_Cheese
Thank-you so much! :3

This ship is adorbs! I feel like I say this for a lot of them, but their color pallets work really nicely together. The pink and blue combo is fun!

I can imagine these two would be childhood best friends... They know all about each other and still remain super close! They're each other's #1.

Another scenario I could see them in is them both being very outgoing, and meeting each other someplace like a party. Maybe they both have a fun time hanging out and become best friends to romantic after that!

But now that I'm thinking about it I'm seeing a vision..... super dorky shy vaporeon... meets dorky outgoing sylveon... vaporeon is super worried about seeming weird, so they don't try to talk to sylveon (also because they're just too shy), but then one day... sylveon approaches them! Vaporeon is like "omg ur so cool i can't believe ur talking to me" and sylveon is like "i can't believe I haven't talked to you until now you're awesome! And they share their interested together :3 They like to play video games, talk about comics, and all sorts of geeky stuff! THEY'RE IN LOVE!!!

-This has probably been done before lol.

-I would love to see more of them!

But! I think they're very cute together! I'm kinda in love with the whole "outgoing person latches onto and helped shy person come out of their shell" premise, so I love this :3

I rate it a...
Because I love it, but I haven't seen much on them before. Any recommendations would be awesome, though!!! :]]

This was kinda short, but I think that's all I have to say! I would do a drawing, but I'm too sleepy (classes were rough today </3) .

Anyway! I hope ya'll are all doing well, thank-you for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day!

If there's any ships you want me to cover, feel free to comment them here or on the request page! Either works. :>

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