💜Espeon x Umbreon🖤

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HELLO!!! Long time no see!

Today I will be rating...

Espeon x Umbreon!

This was requested by Hearts4Millie

Thankyou for the ship!!!

To start, I think these two pair very well together! They're like opposites, sun and moon, and that's neat.

I think I feel similarly to this ship as I do with lots of other popular eeveelution ships. I just wish I would see something new and refreshing with them, rather than just the same old trope.

If there are any good fics that ya'll like about these two, I would love a recommendation! That also goes for any other ships I have here.

I do enjoy a good opposites-attract trope. However, I'm not even sure that these two fall into that trope exactly. They're both very calm most of the time. I think that if they were to have opposites attract ships, it would most often be seen in umbreon x sylveon or espeon x sylveon.

But back to these two. I think their color schemes work nicely together! That could be said for almost all eeveelutions though.

I kind of said it before already, but I enjoy the sun/moon dynamic. I think that if these two were legendaries similar to lunala and solgaleo, that would be cool! Like they both have their role in the world, an they like each other, but can never see each other unless there's an eclipse or something along those lines. Feel free to take that plotline lol.

Anyway! If I had to rate this ship, I would give them a...


They work very well together, it's just very very popular. I would enjoy recommendations for good fics on these two :3 So I can appreciate them more!

Thankyou so much for reading! I greatly appreciate the recommendations of ships, so keep them coming! Even if you've already gone, that would be nice. Send me multiple, even!

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