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Have you ever been so close to a nightmare that it feels as if all of the oxygen has evaporated from the room? Have you ever been so close to the devil that it sucks all the life out of you? As if you are barely breathing, desperately holding on for dear life.

Sounds and a variety of colors haunt me as I am left alone in a dark sea of vast emptiness, a tiny sailboat trapped in the most deadly of hurricanes. Perhaps there is a spotlight on me from the worst kind of karma... is there anyone out there listening?

If a God is out there watching me right now, then I am Eve in the Garden of Eden. He has set out the best form of sin and is toying me with it, like I am a beggar. Helplessness is so easy when you are already so vulnerable.

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.

The heavy metal door to my long forgotten freedom opens slowly, light coming through and blinding my sensitive eyes.

He has brought the worst, yet most delicious apple from the Garden to me in the form of the snake that stole Eve's freedom. With each step he takes, I can feel another foot being dug for my grave.

Then again, I could be buried a hundred feet in the ground and never get away from him. A murderer... a sociopath... the devil himself.

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