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Everyone was now upstairs dancing, playing video games, etc having a good time. I was sitting on the sidelines watching everyone as I looked seeing Chris was now seeing if everyone was having a good time. I shake my head giggling when then I spotted the Akuma flying around almost akumatizing Michael but it didn't since Chris pretended he was kidding and went to go get Michael ice.

I then turn to see it was because of Adriana who was over there grabbing cookies. I shake my head with a smile as I stand up watching everyone have fun. While I don't notice Mason and Aidan were a few feet away from me and I don't hear Mason say, "This BFF act he's doing is just one big charade! He's just doing it to please Adriana!" Mason looks away crossing his arms not buying Chris's nice act as Aidan clears his throat making Mason look to him.

"Ahem! How funny! That reminds me of a boy who didn't want to go to the party till he heard (Y/N) would be there." Aidan says smirking while Mason slumps his shoulders glaring at his best friend, "Please don't compare me to Chris!" Mason says with a groan as Aidan chuckles seeing Mason look away from him still having his arms crossed.

I was standing beside Adriana when then slow music started playing. I look over seeing Kim walk over to Chris asking if he wanted to dance but he turned her down. I look up to see the alums flying above Kim and I look back to Chris who sees his butler holding up his teddy bear. Chris groans while he then excepts the dance and Kim smiles happily while the alums flies away going to find some negative energy.

I was about to go over and figure out what to do but then I realized I can't mess up the plot like I've been doing even though I really want to. I stay beside Adriana as we both see Kim dancing with Chris who looks seeing Adriana look at him. Chris smiles waving at him as Adriana smiles giving him a thumbs up as I smile knowing what was about to happen next and I couldn't wait!

"Oh, this is the part where Aidan is going to make Mason bump into Adriana and then they'll dance!"

"It might hurt...but he's meant to be with her! And I'll have to accept it! Even when I try Plagg always has to butt in."

I giggle to myself as I remember how Plagg loves to tease me about that but I always come back at him. Telling him if he keeps teasing me about Mason then I'll just have to stop giving him camembert.

He still does it and when he gives me those puppy dog eyes I always seem to can't say no. I shake my head with a giggle while I don't notice Aidan and Mason behind Adriana and I as Aidan says, "Go over and ask her, dude!" Mason's eyes widened as he turns to Aidan, "Uh? What? (Y/N)? No! You're crazy!" Mason whispers to his friend who pushes him over and he stumbles over bumping into me as I gasp catching my footing.

I turn around to Mason who was rubbing his head while I giggled, "Hey, Mason!" I say with a smile as I looked over to Adriana who steps away and I don't notice her smirk as I look back to Mason. My eyes widened a bit realizing Adriana left! She wasn't supposed to leave she was supposed to ask Mason if he wanted to dance! Before I could go after her she turns to Mason as she walks away and says, "Mason, (Y/N) wanted to know if you wanted to dance."

My eyes widened more as Mason looks to me as he says, "Uh..." he chuckles nervously while I smile grabbing his head and in my mind I was screaming at myself but I couldn't be mean. I pulled him to the dance floor as we both looked to each other and grabbed one another. My one hand in his and my other hand on his shoulder and his one hand in mine and his other hand on my waist as we both started dancing.

Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now