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(Okay as I said in the last episode this one will be completely different! I'm making it super clear! Okay! Anyway Luna, Mason, (Y/N) and Kaian are all just friends alright! Hope my words made that clear! As always hope you enjoy this episode my readers!)

Mister Bug and I yet again saved another civilian as we all land on the roof of a building. "You should take the elevator next time!" Mister Bug says with a smirk as he drops the woman down on her feet while I hold her bouquet of roses with a smile. Mister Bug and I turn to each other with a smile as we fist bump and say, "Pound it!" Mister Bug walks up to the woman and helps her up as she says, "My deltaplane express delivery wasn't the best idea."

I then hold out her bouquet with a smile, "Don't forget your bouquet!" I say with a giggle as the woman smiles taking the bouquet only to give me a rose in return as she quickly gets off the roof. "Be careful on your way back!" Mister Bug says as I turn away from looking at the rose while I knew what would happen but even if I wanted to he was meant for Adriana.

And then again...I had to go with the plot of the episode. Mister Bug smiles waving bye to the woman as I turn to him with a smile and say, "For you, Buggaboy." He turns to me seeing the red rose in my hand when he smirks and says, "Seriously, Lady Noire? You're about to transform back." Mister Bug says pushing the rose back to me as I see my ring beeping while I smile looking back up at him and question, "So what?"

"Well, if you transform back, then I'll know who you are, and then..." Mister Bug explains only to trail off as I giggle and say, "And then we won't have to keep secrets from each other anymore." I hold my hand up with my ring beeping as I transform back into my civilian form as Master Bug's eyes widened in surprise.

"We'll be untied, more powerful and free. We'll defeat Hawk Moth, then we can both run away to an island, far away from everything!" I say with a smile as I giggle then say, "We'll live off of nothing but fruits! And we'll have a little pet hamster, and then I'll tell you everything about who I truly am—." I was cut out of my daydream hearing Mister Bug yell, "Lady Noire!"

I stare at him as he sighs with a frown, "I can't accept this rose from you. I told you already, I'm in love with someone else." He explains walking away from me as I knew he was right while I look at him, "I know, Buggaboy. But if she weren't here, would things be different between us?" I ask knowing that's not true but I had to go with the plot of this episode while Mister Bug looks up and my guess was looking at all the posters of Adriana.

Little did I know he was looking at one or two billboards that had me up there in my civilian form beside Adriana. "Well, you know, I can't even begin to imagine her not being here." He looks down with a sigh as he says, "I'm sorry, Lady Noire. I really gotta get going. And you'd better do the same." He swings off on his to-Yo as I sigh looking at the rose in my hand.

"Why do I keep trying...I know he loves someone else...even if it hurts...I need to stop...loving him." I whispered to myself knowing I was talking about Mister Bug and Mason but for some reason even though Plagg is inside the ring he still can hear when I speak so I can only say him. So he doesn't know I already know that Mason is Mister Bug but...even if he knew it wouldn't matter...because Mason is supposed to be with Adriana and I have to accept it.

because Mason is supposed to be with Adriana and I have to accept it

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